Page 70 of XX Love Affair
“Good thing she’s not taking pleasure from this tonight, huh?” That had been one of Delia’s stipulations. She would be damned if Mira Whitfield got her hands on any girlfriend of Delia’s and had too much fun. “She’s going to make my girl a star, and that’s what matters.”
“She’ll do it, guaranteed.” Although Blair sounded like that was all there was to it, she didn’t take her gaze off Delia’s contentment. “Are you okay with this? Even if Mira doesn’t touch her, she’s still going to dominate your girlfriend. For an audience.”
Was Blair pushing buttons on purpose? She wasn’t the type. Instead, Delia garnered that her seatmate was attempting to dig into the psyche of someone she had kissed before. Those were the days. Back when Blair was brand-new to the scene and everything was so new for her. While Delia could have certainly handled things better back then, she still appreciated the couple’s willingness to entertain someone as good as a rival to Mira Whitfield, Domme at large.
“When you’re with a woman like her,” Delia said, referring to Helena, “you know what you’re getting into. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t okay with it. And if she came here anyway, it would be over. Things are as simple as that with me.”
“You and Mira aren’t that different, you know.”
“Oh, honey, not like that, no. Just in every other way. I, for one, don’t have a stick shoved up my ass 24/7.” Delia could hardly contain her laughter. “That’s not my kink.”
“You’re also not a pro who has to treat all of this as a marketable means to an end. Or have to keep herself emotionally distant from everything we do in front of other people. I love Mira, she’s my ride or die now, but there are some things we’re still working on.”
“Well! Isn’t she lucky to have someone with such a straight head on her shoulders?”
“That’s what I tell myself when I try on new lingerie and all she can do is critique how it might look on camera. Like, come on, I’m half naked in front of you, woman.”
“That’s it. Let it all out. Serve me the hot goss on the girl I once paid to step on me so I could say I had done that.”
Blair was still laughing, hand on her stomach. “Why am I not surprised? She did it, huh?”
“There was a time when I liked to see what she would take money for. It was a dumb power thing. And curiosity, I suppose. I like to think I’ve matured since then.”
Blair swerved her gaze toward the attached bathroom, where Helena was currently getting ready for her big anonymous debut. “Maturity is truly in the eye of the beholder, isn’t it?”
“Hm? Are you trying to imply something about my girlfriend?”
“Sounds like you don’t necessarily disagree.”
“Look.” Delia lowered her voice when Mira reentered the room to finalize her setup. They were due to begin in ten minutes, and there was a plan in place in case Helena backed out at the last second. “If there’s one thing I know about my current girlfriend, it’s that she will do whatever she damn well pleases. I don’t take a lot of responsibility for her, but if there’s one thing I can offer, it’s alternatives to some of the more destructive tendencies. It took a decent amount of effort to get this far.”
“Sounds like you like her.”
“I should hope so! I’m dating her!”
Naturally, Delia knew what Blair had meant by that, but she wouldn’t let this go down a deeper ravine than it already had. She means it sounds more serious than we present it.
Delia didn’t think that hard about her relationship. She was having fun. Helena was having fun. They were having fun with each other, and that was all that mattered.
Don’t take it seriously.
Don’t worry too much about it.
Just go along for the ride.
Easy enough to say to herself when Delia wasn’t worried about the future. At some point, this ride would come to an end. Maybe she’d offer to do a long-distance thing with Helena for as long as they could stand it. Odds were high that by Christmas, they’d be over it. Especially Helena, who was in her early twenties and still unaware of how much her magnetism would attract people toward her. Delia didn’t have hope in hell of establishing a long-term relationship with someone like Helena, especially if they lived three thousand miles apart.
That thought went out the window, though, when the bathroom door opened and Helena revealed herself in a sheer lacy onesie with one of Blair’s signature silk kimonos over her shoulders to keep her warm until showtime. On her head was a mask that covered her whole face and wrapped around the back of her scalp, a pair of black bunny ears adding charm to what was otherwise a stark contrast to how Helena looked. Her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail that she had curled up into a loose bun. Already, the frizz frayed and attempted mutiny on her paltry attempt at making herself look less recognizable. She and Delia both knew that Mira’s lighting and stage positioning would do the rest to keep her identity a secret.
“Fantastic.” Mira motioned for Helena to join her in front of the camera. It wasn’t on yet. Although Delia couldn’t see the details on one of the computer monitors, Mira had her stream setup to play back everything as it showed to her subscribers. That included their comments. Already, the waiting room was full of people saying hi to each other and talking about what they had for dinner, as if Mira were about to play a video game for their entertainment instead of performing sex work. “Absolutely stellar.”
Blair leaned in. “That means she has no notes for Helena. I am so jealous right now.”
“I take it she always has notes for you.”
“Usually based on whatever color my hair is at the moment and how it’s clashing with my clothes.” Blair snorted. “You might know about that. What color will your hair be next?”
Delia didn’t have a chance to answer. Mira approached, holding something in her hand.