Page 95 of XX Love Affair
“Almost six, actually…”
“So I know how much you’d probably get off on her asking if she can have some of your ass for herself.”
“What would you say?”
“Since this is her we’re talking about, I’d tell her to piss off and not let the door hit her on the way out, but if it were someone more normal…” Delia pressed her forehead against Helena’s. “Depends how much she’s offering.”
Helena lightly smacked Delia on the arm. “Is this how you get back with a girl?”
Delia pressed her knees between Helena’s legs, elegantly opening her thighs until her shoes dropped off her feet and her toes reached for either side of the bed. Having Delia back between her legs was like welcoming the new year’s spring breeze back into her life. It’s been too long, yet feels so wonderfully familiar… Was this what Helena had been searching for that past year? The balance between sexual freedom and a loving relationship that made her human?
“Are we back together now?” Delia teased. “Because I didn’t think I had gotten started yet.”
“It’s the BO, isn’t it?”
“You have a lovely fragrance.”
“I should’ve showered first…”
“Are you telling me that you don’t have fantasies about getting all sweaty at the gym and having fun with a lucky someone in the locker room?”
“Not until now, no.”
Delia smothered Helena with another kiss. “I missed you.”
Once the exalting sensation of being loved on faded, Helena replied, “I missed you too. Kiss me again.”
Delia’s lips brushed against the curve of Helena’s neck before capturing her mouth in another tender kiss. In that single second, the ache of separation was finally soothed by the warmth of their most unexpected reunion.
Helena melted into the bed, her fingers tangling in Delia's hair as she pulled her closer, craving the closeness that had been absent for far too long in her life. You can’t get this with anyone. With each touch, each caress, they rekindled the flame of ardor, igniting a passion that burned so hot that Helena already cried out from its scalding touch.
As they kissed, the world outside faded away, leaving only the two of them intertwined in a dance of desire. Time had slowed down, allowing them to savor every moment, every sensation. Every memory I have with one woman. When they finally broke apart, their breaths mingling in the air, Helena gazed into Delia's eyes, seeing a reflection of her own longing. “I love you,” she whispered, the words carrying the weight of all the emotions she had kept bottled up those past few months. “Don’t let me regret saying that.”
She closed her eyes to Delia’s reaction, afraid of what she might see now that she had exposed her heart to the only one who had earned it.
“I love you, too.”
They embraced once more, tighter, their bodies fitting together perfectly as if they were always meant to be one. And as they held each other close, Helena knew that this time, their lust and love would only grow stronger with each passing day, a beacon of hope and happiness guiding them through life's ups and downs.
God, so cringe. She nearly sobbed in laughter to realize that she had become that person.
With that wall broken between them, Helena clung to her girlfriend, guiding Delia deeper between her legs as clothing became a nuisance. We’ve made love a hundred times already. Or so it felt, when Helena tortured herself with attempting to remember every kiss, every caress, and every lovely orgasm to meld her body and soul into one. The adventures she had already embarked upon with Delia were only the beginning. Moments like these, when they furiously made love with only what God had given them, were the cornerstone of what Helena secretly desired in a relationship. Yet now? There was no one else. She couldn’t recall a single name or face from the past, only Delia Benoist, the lucky woman to catch her attention one night in a sensual club.
That was the only way Helena could have met her first real love. The first person to see me for who I am and not run away.
Instead, she had come running. The moment Helena was in distress, there Delia was, asserting herself, staking claim, and making love to the woman who loved her.
I do. I really think I do. As Delia pulled the sweatshirt over Helena’s head and buried her face between two breasts, Helena became acquainted with the idea of being in love. Something so impossible a year ago to someone so reticent and emotionally closed off from the world was now here. It had socked Helena in the face and wanted her to suffer in pure, inscrutable bliss. But what if I’m wrong? Rarely did she doubt herself so much, but those past few weeks had lampshaded how little she knew about her own life. Helena had been floating, disconnecting herself from adolescence as if she could speedrun adulthood.
Yet one thing adults were supposed to do was fall in love. How had she missed that?
What if I’m wrong? What if I’m setting myself up for heartbreak? What if she was still too immature to realize that Delia was wrong for her? How could she one day forgive herself for walking into this trap?
Delia must have sensed Helena’s hesitation, for she halted her onslaught, lips hovering near her girlfriend’s. “What’s wrong?”
Helena wrapped her arms around Delia. “I’m overthinking things. I want to go back to the way things were before you knew the truth. Treat me like you did before. Don’t think too deeply. Do what felt right, go at the speed that felt right.”
“I can’t ever look at you the same way again.” Delia clasped her grip beneath Helena’s knee and pushed her leg into the air. “Not when I see who you are.”