Page 30 of Slower
His mouth forms an ‘o’ as realization kicks in. Ken chuckles, then pats us on the arm to move forward. “Glad to know you’re familiar, and I don’t have to explain it all on this very busy, very gossip-riddled event. I’m going to find what the holdup is.”
I watch him leave before turning back to Austen. “Ken lacks the patience for this part of the journey. He’s always eager to get us through the line as quick as possible.”
“Us? Do you always have a date to these things?”
The jealousy in his voice bolsters me. I’m not sure if it’s for show or if he’s really upset about it. Either way, I’m quick to ease his mind.
“Typically, yes. Though I will say they were always prearranged via Ken or through my mom. I didn’t bring anyone I dated to an event. I’d have brought Tenn, but that would have started rumors about us.” I shiver at the thought. While I have no problem lusting after Austen, Tenn is another story entirely. He’s the brother I never had. The best friend of my dreams. I couldn’t do life without him — in a strictly platonic sense of course.
Ken breezes back over right then with wide eyes. “Ok, so that famous actress from the Waverly movies just had her water break on the carpet. They’ve gotten her ushered away in a wheelchair while an ambulance comes. Things will move much quicker now.”
As if his words are an omen, people begin shifting ahead. Different couples go to the various news outlets. We wind up on the far end with a bubbly brunette I’ve never met. She’s holding the microphone for a celebrity focused channel, so I fully expect her to pry as soon as the camera starts rolling.
“My name is Selinda. I’m excited to meet you. Everyone ready?” She asks with a firm handshake.
“Sure thing. Let’s go.” I give Austen another nod as I hold his waist to keep him close. His hand is wrapped around my shoulder now that we’re not moving, which puts him very much in every shot the camera gets.
Selinda starts with the easy questions. “How are you doing post-tour?”
“I’m good. Enjoying time with those important to me.”
“Any news on the next album? We’ve seen some teasers on social media, though nothing too obvious,” she points out.
I nod. “That’s the way it’s meant to be. My team doesn’t have all the details yet since I’m still in creative mode right now. We’ll update as soon as I’m able.”
“Fair enough. Tonight must be especially hard for you with Charlene’s diagnosis. How do you think she’d feel about you being here?”
I take a deep breath to battle against the ache of hearing my sister’s name. Even after all these years, it’s a struggle not to fall apart knowing she’s gone.
Austen chooses that moment to speak up for the first time tonight. “I’d be willing to bet she’d be really damn proud of him. Not only is he living his dream by making music, but he also uses the wealth he’s gained to help others.”
Selinda’s jaw drops right about the time Austen says damn. I’m not sure if it’s the way he sounds or that he comes to my defense that has me awestruck. Either way, I don’t like the look she’s giving him.
“We’re going to head inside now. Thanks, Selinda.”
“Oh! Wait! What about him? Who is this guy? Are you dating? How serious is it?”
Ken steps into the frame. “He said he was done. You have to be quicker, sweetie.”
Selinda motions for the camera to cut, then she growls at Ken. “Watch your back, Ken. Don’t interfere with my stories.”
Before my publicist can speak, Austen steps in. “I’m pretty sure you’re the one out of line, Selinda. Maybe be nicer to people and they’ll be nicer to you. Come on, love. Let’s go.”
He tugs me away, leaving her outraged at missing the opportunity to catch his words on camera. I’m sure they’d have sensationalized the story for views too.
Inside the building, Austen tugs me off to the side and presses me against the wall. “Are you ok? Do you need a minute?”
I shake my head as I look up at him. His body hovers over me, all protective and ominous all at once. “Why would I need a minute?”
He frowns. “Because she brought up Charlene. I’m sure that was hard to deal with. And then she kept probing.”
I put my hand to his chest, halting whatever else he means to say. “I’m not upset. It’s hard talking about her, but it’s necessary. Tonight is to earn money for cancer research. There’s no getting away from talking about my sister or how cancer took her from me. All I can do is try my best to ensure no one else loses a loved one like I have.”
He leans down until our foreheads press together. It’s such an intimate move, I’m shocked into silence.
“You’re a good man, Corrin Ray. Maybe even the best man. The world doesn’t deserve you.”
Try as I might to keep my heart from falling, it’s no use. Austen Page owns me, body and soul. My heart is his from now on.