Page 31 of Slower
Chapter 10
The rest of the night goes much smoother once we’re away from the cameras. I don’t have to keep my smile up all the time and there’s no one I want to impress. Well, no one besides my date.
Corrin has held my attention since I watched him trip over himself to tell me how good I looked back at the apartment. There was such appreciation in his eyes I knew he couldn’t be faking it. Not the attraction anyway.
After that, I made myself a promise. I’d be open to whatever happens.
While I might not have a good track record (see: any track record) of dating, I know a good thing when I see it. And Corrin is good. In every way possible.
The man is loyal to his friends, as evidenced by his relationship with my brother. He’s humble despite earning millions of dollars every year. He’s protective of me and of others. He loves with his whole heart even though he knows great loss and the risks associated with giving your heart to people. And he’s a family man, something I know from his love for Star and Smith.
He’s quite literally the whole package of what people want in a partner.
And for some reason, he chose me to be his. It might be for pretend, but still. It’s something.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks near the end of the dinner service. The too small servings didn’t do much to fill me up. Thankfully, that gives me something to say besides ‘I was thinking about you and me.’
“I’m still hungry.”
He chuckles when I rub my stomach for emphasis. “We can grab some burgers on the way home. It’s not enough for me either.”
We make more small talk with the people at our table for a few minutes before Corrin announces we’re going to leave. I stand with him, easing his chair back so we can leave.
While the food may have sucked, I made sure to drink enough water to put down an elephant to quell my hunger. My bladder tells me the car ride with a pit stop for food isn’t going to be enough.
“Let me just run to the restroom really quick,” I tell him once we’re free of the maze of tables.
Corrin nods my way, then pulls me into the hall and points in the direction of the restroom. “You’re good to go alone?”
I huff a laugh at the question. “Of course. No one is going to mess with me.”
He gives me a once over. “Highly doubt it. Even in that suit, all your delicious muscle is visible.”
I’m not sure if it’s the late hour or the drink he had earlier that has his tongue so loose. Sure, he’s complimented me on this journey of fake dating. But never like this. Never with desire written so plainly on his face that even I, Mr. Clueless, can pick up on it.
The need to kiss him has me moving before I can stop to overthink it. My lips press against his in a soft caress, showing a closeness I don’t understand. I leave him there in the hall as I stomp my way to the bathroom, my head a mess of feelings.
I think I’m having a quarter life crisis.
Ok, maybe not a crisis. Nothing is inherently wrong.
It’s an… epiphany maybe. An enlightening.
I feel like I’m opening my eyes for the first time to truly see what’s around me. And what I’m seeing is amazing. Who I’m seeing has me ready to change my whole world.
Now I don’t prescribe to the whole notion of coming out. Not really.
Corrin has just always been Corrin to me. Whether he dated men or women, it didn’t matter. And Uncle Kelvin made it clear of his preferences when I was still very young. I’ve never been led to believe that one type of love is better than another.
What I did believe was that none of it was for me.
I didn’t get urges the way other boys did. My body wasn’t a slave to short skirts or low-cut tops. Hell, I saw more than my fair share of nudity when I was in high school, but it never mattered much. I didn’t want it then, and I don’t now.
Or rather, I didn’t.
Being with Corrin makes me crave things I never thought I would. I want his touch and attention. I want to learn all the ways to make him sigh and whimper. I want him looking at me like he did earlier tonight. I need it.