Page 32 of Slower
It’s a ravenous beast inside me that’s been unleashed after years of me thinking I was some docile man without a libido.
With my size and looks, people always assume I’m sleeping around. I knew it when I played soccer, and the sports groupies followed us around. I knew it when I quit, and those same people pursued me even harder. Granted, it took my brother explaining it for me to put the dots together, but I understood the attention was because of my appearance.
None of those people cared to know more about me than what the mirror reflects.
Corrin though, he cares. He already knows me thanks to his relationship with Tenn. Their friendship has put him on the cusp of my world for years, hovering but never coming into contact.
Not until recently.
I do what I need to do in the restroom, then clean up to head out. I’m still contemplating how to deal with these new feelings when I exit and catch someone saying Corrin’s name. I pause, curiosity stealing my normal avoidance tactic.
The voices are soft and feminine. They’re coming from the barely cracked bathroom door right next to the men’s room.
“Did you see who he brought? That giant bodyguard?” One says, her voice climbing with each word.
A softer tone answers, “Sure did. Silly of him to think he needs security here. At least it wasn’t a woman. Couldn’t have stood seeing that.”
“When are you going to let it go? He’d have asked you out by now if he were interested in something more. You’ve been to how many events that he’s attended, Maisey?”
“I’ll go to as many as I need to. He’s not married, nor is he in a serious relationship. Everyone knows the bodyguard thing is just for his image. Those photos online aren’t even romantic. They’re always close, but they don’t even kiss.”
Clearly, she’s not as obsessed as she thinks. There have been a few different pics of us kissing, though most are from odd angles. Maybe someone delusional like her would think they weren’t actual kisses.
“Still, Maisey, I think you should let it go. Date that guy your dad tried to set you up with. Maybe he’ll increase your allowance...”
I leave the hidden alcove of the hallway, their conversation no longer of interest to me. Corrin is standing right where I left him, except now he’s talking to Ken and another man. Someone I’m not familiar with, but who's looking at my date like I imagine the woman named Maisey would: like they want him to be theirs.
Green coats my vision as I move through the crowd recklessly. I bump into a few people, all of whom are scandalized by my Neanderthal ways.
Corrin turns to me right as I’m closing in. His face lights up, proving to me that his smile for the unknown man beside him was fake. This one, the one he points my way, is real.
I soak it up for a second before I bend down, wrap my arms around him, and kiss him as if my life depends on it. He doesn’t pause or freeze. Corrin merely sinks into my hold, his mouth dancing with mine, and he gives me everything in return.
Ken laughs and the other guy excuses himself. It’s all muted noise around me as I devour the man I’ve only just realized I want for real.
When I pull back, Corrin has a shy grin on his face. “I didn’t… you… What was that?”
I don’t answer right away. Not when my body and my brain are both in overdrive. It takes me a couple of deep breaths to get the words out.
“There were two women talking about you. They said things. Things about us and about one of them being with you.”
A look of wonder covers his features. “You got jealous?”
I nod, too far gone to lie. Not that I really even want to. It’s best we keep things honest now that we probably aren’t as fake as we told people. At least, I’m not faking. I hope he isn't either.
“I did. She made it seem like she could have you. Like all it would take is —”
Corrin shuts me up with another kiss. He has to jump up to tug me down closer to him. The move makes me laugh, though it only lasts a second when his tongue sweeps across my lips. That’s when I let go to give my body control.
Wrapped in my embrace, he melts even further into me until there’s nothing between us. I keep him close, my grip firm but not brutal. I’ll save the more savage energy within me for when we’re not in a room full of people.
It’s then my brain comes back around.
We’re in a room full of people. People with cameras. People who love to gossip.
Maybe now wouldn’t have been the best time to have this realization and act on it. I pull away once some sense of rational thought returns.
Ken leans close to us. “That was hot, you two. Excellent performance.”