Page 107 of Shot at Love
“There you are! You doing okay, babe?” Sam asked.
“Fine, just fine.” Trina rubbed her belly and took a few quick breaths. “Did you try the buffalo dip? I think you’d like it. I may have already had too much.”
“There’s buffalo dip? Where?” Sam’s attention shifted to the search for the dip, and he and Trina wandered off.
“I think something is going on with Trina,” Kassie whispered to Luc.
“Why do you say that?” Luc ran his fingers down the back of her neck, tickling her and causing chills up and down her arms under her superhero costume.
“She keeps grabbing at her belly. Isn’t she due like any day now?” Kassie asked.
“I don’t know, I guess. She does look like she’s ready to pop.” Luc’s attention got pulled away from their conversation and to a commotion in the corner. “What the hell is going on over there?”
“Oh no.” Kassie moaned once she saw what was happening. It was Quinn and her boy toys.
Quinn was in the corner with JJ and Travis. She was dressed as a sexy teacher, and they were both dressed as nerds. They were the perfect costume choices, because the guys followed Quinn around like puppy dogs, and that was on a normal day, not just while they were dressed up for Halloween. Party goers were hooting and hollering as Quinn drank from a beer bong that Travis was holding, and JJ was cheering her on.
“Who’s the girl with Travis and JJ?” Patrick asked, joining the conversation. His wife was at his side. They were dressed as Super Mario and Princess Peach from the video game.
“Quinn, their date. She’s also Kassie’s friend,” Luc answered, fighting a smirk.
“Ugh.” Kassie attempted to hide her embarrassment. “She’s actually a really nice girl,” Kassie said.
“Yeah, she looks very friendly,” Dom said, before Hailee smacked him. Then he backpedaled. “What’s wrong with that? Hailee, you can’t say she doesn’t seem friendly.”
Kassie loved Quinn like a sister, and she knew what a wonderful person she was. But right now, Kassie had her own nerves to deal with, being here at the team Halloween party. She didn’t have the mental capacity to deal with Quinn and her boy toys as well. Plus, she trusted that Quinn knew what she was doing and could handle it. She was a grown woman, and this wasn’t her first rodeo.
“I think the ones you need to worry about are those boys. Quinn just might chew them up and spit them out,” Kassie laughed. “Are any of you going to be there to pick up the pieces after she’s done with them?”
All the guys shook their heads no.
“I’m sure someone back on their AHL team will be more than willing to deal with that, if it came to it,” Patrick said, observing the three of them. “But I’ve had limited interaction with them, and it appears they can handle anything she has to offer. They seem to be holding their own so far.”
“Enough about them.” Paige took a picture of them all and did a few things on her phone. “We need to worry about getting photos out there of you all. The fans love to see what you’re all dressed up as. A lot of them look very forward to this time of year.”
“Paige, you need to get in there, too. I’ll take the photo,” Kassie offered, but for her own selfish reasons.
“No way, Kassie. You need to be with your man. People want to see you guys,” Paige countered. “Mel, can you take our photo, please?”
Melanie, the other public relations person, took over Paige’s phone. “Say Renegades!”
As soon as Paige got her phone back, the DJ turned up the music, and people started to dance. It was a rap song, and Sam grabbed Trina, dragging her to the dance floor. He had their attention as he danced like a fool, singing to the music like a rap star.
Luc recorded it on his phone, most likely for later blackmail, but Sam didn’t seem to mind. “You go, surfer boy! Shake what your mama gave you!”
Sam only responded with flipping Luc the bird. He continued to sing and dance until the rap song was over. Once the song changed to one with more of a dance beat, Luc turned to her.
“Hey Supergirl, wanna dance with a real superhero?” Luc smirked at her with half-lidded eyes. He held out his hand to her, and pulled her away from the others, who were still laughing and drinking.
She remembered how hot their prior dancing situations got. This time she was all his. He didn’t have to worry about any other guy dancing with her. He pulled her to the dance floor. The heavy bass pounded through the speakers, leading their movements. Luc towered over her, and she could feel the heat radiating off him as their bodies molded together in a sensual rhythm.
Kassie forgot all about the other people and whatever Quinn was doing now. The only thing that mattered at that moment was Luc. This was turning out to be a great night. Anything she did with Luc always ended up amazing. Maybe it was the atmosphere, maybe it was the alcohol from earlier, but she danced closer and closer to Luc, their bodies against one another like they did that night in the club.
Luc moved his lips close to her ear. His breath was hot and it tickled her ear. “Sweets, what do you say we get out of he—”
“Marcella!” Sam called as he hurried towards them, interrupting the dirty dancing they’d just started. Sam was out of breath, and he was gasping for air.
“Uh, you okay, dude?” Luc asked, as he continued to dance with Kassie.