Page 108 of Shot at Love
“No. I mean, yes. Uh… I don’t even know! Trina’s in labor! Apparently, she’s been having contractions on and off all evening, but she figured they were just Braxton Hicks because she’s not due for another month.”
“Braxton who?” Luc stopped dancing and tilted his head in confusion.
Sam ignored him, and rushed on. “We’ve been through this before, yet I’m still a damn mess! Dude, you’ve got to help me out, tell me what I need to do first. My brain is like swiss cheese!”
“You’re looking to me for directions?” Luc frowned. “Wait, now? Are you sure?”
“Braxton Hicks contractions,” Kassie said. “Women get them when they’re in the final stages of pregnancy.” Ali had gotten them a few times when she was pregnant with Kaleb. Kassie learned the hard way that they were normal and not the actual labor. She made Ali go to the hospital once while the team was out of town, only to be utterly embarrassed to find out they were just Braxton Hicks. “She’s sure they aren’t?”
“She’s sure. Her water broke! We’re leaving for the hospital now.” Sam ran around with no purpose until he grabbed hold of his wife.
“Good luck, man. You got this!” Luc shook his hand before Sam rushed Trina to the door.
“We’re right behind you, Tri!” Tyler called, as he and Paige followed closely behind the soon-to-be new parents. The party quieted down a bit, with some of the guys busy talking about Trina and Sam now.
She saw the look of concern on Luc’s face as Sam and Trina hurried out. “You okay?” she asked.
“Yeah, sure. People have babies every day.” Luc waved her off. “But she’s not due for another month. She’ll be okay, right?”
Kassie tilted her head to the side. “She’ll be fine. I know you’re concerned. Do you want to go to the hospital and wait? We could sit with Tyler and his wife. They ran out right after Sam and Trina.”
“Uh, I don’t know. Do people do that? I mean, other than the people having the baby?”
Luc’s words were so cute; he had no idea how this went. Obviously, he had never cared enough about someone to be there for them during something like this before.
“Do people wait at the hospital? Sometimes, sure. I mean, we could be there for a long time though. Some babies are born quickly, and some take hours. I’m talking like ten to twenty hours.”
“Ten to twenty hours? Holy shit.” Luc twisted his face up.
“Tyler will be there, so we can always sit with him. If you want to go, that is. We don’t have to.” She really wasn’t sure which way he was leaning. Luc had been there for Sam when he needed him during his injury last season, and there was no reason he wouldn’t want to be there for him now.
“But the party?”
“It’s almost over, isn’t it?” Kassie asked. They had been here for four hours, mingled with the entire team, did all the important things like eat, dance, drink, and party. It did look like some of these guys could party for four more hours, though.
“Yeah, Kassie, I’d like to go support Sam and Trina. But first, one more picture. Kris? Could you get a picture of us?” Luc waved Lafleur over to where they were standing.
“Don’t you think you’ve taken enough pictures of us?” Kassie asked.
Luc had been snapping selfies and getting people to take their picture all night, not to mention all the other people that were taking pictures.
But Kris took the phone from Luc. “Okay you two, say Happy Halloween!”
Luc took the phone back and did a few things on the screen before he finally looked up at her.
“What are you doing? Every time you take a picture, you’re messing around on your phone.” Her voice wavered as she tried to hide the annoyance. His hands had been over her all night, and she should just be happy about that. Except what was he doing on his phone?
“Relax, sweets. I’m not playing on my phone. I’ve been posting our photos on social media.” Luc smiled, very satisfied with himself.
“What? Why?”
“Because I like to show you off.”
“Show me off? What does that even mean?”
“I’ll show you.” Luc pulled up his Twitter account and scrolled through his posts. There were all the photos of them tonight. In each post, he tagged her and added the words, “My Love.” He put his phone back in his pocket and smiled. “I think we’ll head over to the hospital. Ready, sweets?”
“Uh, yeah. I guess.” She was still reeling from knowing about all the photos that he’d posted. Luc was proving to her and anyone who would listen, that she was his one and only. There would be no doubt in anyone’s mind after seeing his posts. My hockey boy is stepping up his game. And she liked it.