Page 61 of Shot at Love
“Sweets, you look amazing and always make me feel underdressed.” Luc shook his head with a grin.
“We can always turn around and go back to my place.” She hoped he would find that option enticing enough to accept, even though they hadn’t really gone there yet.
Shaking his head, still holding her against the wall, he laughed. “It’ll be okay. One way or another, I will make it okay. I promise.” Releasing her from the wall, he held out his elbow for her to take. “Shall we?”
As much as Luc looked like a player, he was very much a gentleman. That made her swoon for him even harder.
Voices from Kaden’s loft echoed in the hallway. The party must’ve been in full swing already. That would be helpful, because a large crowd was easier to get lost in.
Approaching the door, Kassie took a big breath before opening it. Everyone was mostly in the living room, and that was at the end of the long hallway. Luc offered his hand, and she held on tight as they walked down the hall. It felt like forever before they reached the living room.
The first faces she saw were Sam and his wife. They were the perfect couple. Both blonde and beautiful, like surfer blonde. And both very good people.
“Luc.” Sam jetted his hand out to shake Luc’s. His baby blues then flashed their attention over to her. He had eyes that looked like the ocean. “Kassie, nice to see you again. You remember my wife, Trina?”
“Hi.” Trina looked up at Sam, probably looking for some sort of assurance before she went on. She smiled at Kassie. “Very nice to see you again.”
Trina then turned her attention to Luc. She threw her arms around him as much as they’d go, seeing as she had a very pregnant belly. “Hey there, Rock-Star.”
“Hey Tri, you been feeling okay?” Luc asked.
“Yep. It’s just a baby.” She joked and patted her belly. “We’ve missed you. You haven’t been around much lately.”
Sam nudged his wife with his elbow. “He’s been busy with better company than us, Tri.”
“I’ll be around to bug you guys soon enough. You can’t get rid of me that easily,” Luc teased.
Kassie just smiled and nodded. Normally comfortable around most of these folks, anxiety had taken over.
“I think we’re going to work the room,” Luc said, and flashed Sam an odd look. “How’s the temperature?”
“Ah, I’d say tepid. But you may want to limit your rounds to that corner there.” Sam pointed to a corner of the room. Kassie noticed it was the opposite side as her brother.
“Thanks. But I think we’re good.” Luc turned to Kassie. “Right, Kass?”
“Yep. We’re good.” She looped her arm into Luc’s as if it was second nature. “Nice talking to both of you. Maybe we’ll circle around again.”
“How are you doing?” Luc whispered to her as they made their way through the crowd.
“I’m thinking maybe we should start in the kitchen. I need to catch my breath. Maybe get a drink. And I know where he hides the good liquor.” She tightened her hold on Luc as they walked. She wasn’t good. Her heart raced as she worried about how her brother would react. “I’ve been meaning to ask you, why does Trina call you Rock-Star?”
Luc chuckled, trying to help ease her stress. “It’s because I like to listen to rock music really loud in my car. And the fact that it’s a sports car. So, the guys think it’s funny to call me Rock-Star. Even though I’m more of a puck star.”
Unfortunately, the wisecrack about his self-proclaimed nickname was lost on her. She heard him say it, but her brain was more worried about other things. With any luck, she’d remember to ask him about it later.
Reaching the kitchen, they found it was less crowded and not as noisy as the living room. Kassie knew where everything was and went right to the fridge, while Luc opened and inspected a few coolers.
“You want a water?” he asked, holding out a bottle to her.
“I was thinking more along the lines of alcohol. A little liquid courage is never a bad thing. Right?” Kassie grabbed a bottle of liquor and poured herself a shot, downed it, and then poured another.
“Woah! Take it easy, Kass. Remember, I know how you get when you start drinking shots.”
“You know I don’t really like beer, and this should work quicker.” It was as good a reasoning as any. After the two shots, the alcohol started doing its job. She wasn’t so tense now, and that was her objective. “So, you’re pretty close with Sam and Trina, huh?”
“Yeah. They’re good people.”
“They seem like it.”