Page 62 of Shot at Love
“How long are we going to stay in the kitchen? Just trying to plan my night,” Luc teased.
“Not long, smart-ass.” Kassie took one more shot for good measure. “Ready.”
“Yeah? You want to make rounds or just go hang in the corner? Or do you need me to prop you up somewhere after all those shots?” he joked.
“Ha, ha.” Kassie waved off his concern. “I typically don’t make rounds at Kaden’s parties, so hanging in the corner sounds nice. I assume my nephew is around here somewhere, unless he’s over at my mom’s.” Kaleb would be a nice distraction. Maybe Kaden wouldn’t yell like a maniac in front of the baby.
“C’mon, sweets. Let’s get this over with. Hiding out in the kitchen isn’t getting us anywhere.” Luc held his hand out to her and smiled. “It’s a party, so let’s go have some fun. Isn’t that what we’re here for?”
“Oh, is that what we’re calling this? Fun?” Kassie commented, as she took his hand and followed him back out into the living room.
The music was loud and the conversations louder. They walked hand-in-hand through the crowd. She smiled at people, but just kept walking. There was a spot open by the fireplace. There were a few coolers with drinks in them in this corner, which might come in handy.
“Hey.” Luc leaned in close to her ear. His hand slid onto her hip. “You doing okay?”
His hot breath tickled her neck. Goosebumps ran down her arms, creating a unique shivering sensation through her body.
Luc pulled back, but kept his hand on her hip. She felt safe and secure with him towering over her, even in this sea of people. She liked having him so close. Even though this was new, and they had an entire roomful of people watching.
Things were progressing with them, and she liked it. He made her feel safe. He made her feel special.
“You!” Kaden’s voice echoed throughout the room. “This is the girl you’re dating? This is the girl who has the great Luc Marcella under her spell? My little sister? All this time you’ve been talking about my little sister? How dare you! You can kiss your ass and your career goodbye, Marcella. You’re a dead man.”
“Oh, here we go,” Kassie mumbled, adding an eye roll for good measure. Kaden was reacting just as she expected.
“Kassie! What in the hell are you doing?” Kaden’s voice shattered her perfect little moment.
“Kaden, shh! Can we not do this right now, please?” Kassie asked calmly. She had known this was a bad idea. But she didn’t want to be here with anyone else other than Luc.
“So, this is who you brought as your date? My teammate?” Kaden got louder and more obnoxious with each word.
“Kaden…” Luc’s voice was low like thunder, and Kassie heard the warning in his tone. But Kaden was her brother, and this was her fight right now.
“Kaden, yes,” she spoke up quickly. “Luc is my date. And stop referring to me as your little sister. I have a name.” That was certainly the alcohol talking, making her bolder than normal.
“Kassie, you know damn well that my sister will NOT date one of my teammates!” Kaden yelled. “I thought you knew better, Kassie.”
Luc moved forward, just an inch or two, but enough that Kassie knew he was readying himself to protect her.
“Listen, Kaden.” Luc spoke calmly, but there was a hard edge to his words. “Keep your voice down, and back off. Kassie doesn’t deserve this, and I won’t stand by while you yell at her.”
Despite her simmering anger about Kaden’s remarks, her heart warmed that Luc was standing up for her.
But Kaden’s eyes whipped to Luc, the fury in them unmistakable. “You—”
“Kaden, enough.” Ali’s voice could be heard, but she must’ve been behind Kaden. “This is not the time or the place… She’s still your sister.”
“My beef isn’t with Kass, yet. Right now, it’s with Marcella. He knows better than to screw with my sister. There’s a code, and he knows that,” Kaden yelled. He stepped towards Luc, but his wife stopped him.
“Now, I know none of you are bully enough to push a woman around. But I’ll call Trina over here if I have to go as far as to put a pregnant woman in your path.” Ali placed herself between Kaden and Luc with her hands out at her sides. “Kaden, your issue is with your sister, and you and her need to talk this over in private. Not in the middle of your party. Can’t you just let them have a good time tonight and deal with this tomorrow?”
“Ali, don’t—”
“Don’t what, Kaden? She’s your sister! She’s a big girl. Did you miss that she’s all grown up? She’s going to have boyfriends. You can’t scare them all off. And before you start about how he’s your teammate, and there’s a code, just don’t,” Ali yelled, putting her hand on her husband’s chest. Then her voice calmed back to normal speaking volume. “Let’s just have fun, okay? This is a party. Please?”
Kaden looked at his wife for a moment, and Ali smiled. But Kassie knew her brother, and she wasn’t so sure he was going to back off.
Luc moved in front of Kassie, but she didn’t need to be shielded. She didn’t need to be rescued. Kassie moved to his side and took his hand. “Kaden, why are you yelling? We’re friends. Luc is a good guy. And I like him. I’m allowed to like whoever I want.”