Page 91 of Shot at Love
“I do.”
“Good.” Luc left the money on the table with the check. “You ready for the next stop, then?”
“Oh, you mean, cupcakes?” Kassie nodded to the cupcake shop across the street.
“As a matter of a fact, yes. I thought I’d bring some dessert with me to dinner. No one can resist cupcakes. I just need to grab something out of my car.” Luc pulled her towards his car, and grabbed something out of the backseat.
“Wait.” She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. Her brain must be working slowly this morning, because she had only just registered what he said. “Did you call yourself my boyfriend?”
Luc nodded with a smile. “Yeah. I know we’ve never discussed labels, and I know we haven’t been doing this long.” Luc reached into his backseat and pulled out a Renegades sweatshirt. It had his number by the shoulder and his name down the sleeve.
Kassie looked at him, confused and delighted. “That’s yours.”
“No, sweets. Now it’s yours. It’s my team sweatshirt, and I want you to have it. This is just a small token. I swear I’ll prove to you that you are my one and only, and that I don’t care about the puck bunnies, or fangirls, or whatever you want to call them. The only person I care about is you. And I’ll tell anyone who will listen that you’re my girlfriend. Do you like the sound of that?”
“Absolutely.” The sound of the word warmed her chest and made her heart skip a beat. The team sweatshirt was just the icing on the cake. Kassie wanted Luc to brand her as his—and he was doing just that.
Kassie unlocked the door to her apartment. Luc followed close behind her, carrying the dozen cupcakes he was planning to take to her mom’s house for dessert. “Sweets, can I set these in the kitchen?”
“Sure. I think there’s still some beer in the fridge too, if you want,” she called after him, before kicking off her boots and hanging up her scarf beside the door.
“Beer? This early?” Luc popped out of the kitchen, stopping her on her way to the living room.
She shrugged with a smirk. “I don’t know how early you drink.”
“Not this early,” Luc said with a laugh. “I’ll settle for water. Do you want one?” Luc went back to the kitchen, making himself at home.
“Do you want to watch a movie? I can find something on Netflix,” Kassie called as she got comfortable on the couch. “We have a few hours before we need to be at my mom’s.”
Luc sat their waters down on the table, then snuggled in beside her on the couch. “Sure. Whatever you like. It’s been a long two days.”
“Yeah.” She curled up next to him, snuggling in under his arm. Lying here with him beat anything else she could be doing. She turned on some rom-com movie, then laid her head on his chest. She could hear the thud of his heartbeat.
This felt natural, and one hundred percent right. She’d almost thrown this all away.
Luc pulled her close. She tried to concentrate on the movie, but all she could focus on was his heartbeat. Then his lips by her ear, whispering. “I hated being away from you, not being able to talk about what happened, not being able to hold you. I would’ve done anything to make it all okay for you.”
“I know. It was my own fault.”
“Sweets, it doesn’t matter now. I’m here where I belong, holding you.” He tightened his arms around her and nuzzled his chin against her head. “Kassie, I… I just—I’m just glad to be home.”
Was he going to say it? The L-word was front and center in her mind, so it was possible she imagined that he wanted to say it. Lying here with him, she wanted to tell him. She wanted to say it, but instead, she said, “I’m glad you’re home, too.”
I love you. It would be so easy to say, so why couldn’t she say it?
“You realize what dinner tonight means, don’t you?”
“No, what?”
“I’ll not only be meeting your mom, but our parents will be meeting as well.” He tilted her chin up towards his. “Sweets, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Then his warm lips brushed against hers, erasing any concerns or fears that teased at her heart.
Luc and his dad arrived at her mom’s shortly after Kassie did. Kaden hadn’t said two words to her yet since she arrived. He even chose to go change Kaleb over sitting in the living room and talking to them. But once they all sat down to dinner, he had no choice. And that was exactly their mother’s plan.
“Luc, I am so glad that you and your father were able to join us tonight for dinner,” Kassie’s mom said, as she sat down at the table. “Mr. Marcella, I trust that you’ve been enjoying the time with the other fathers and the team?”
Kassie’s heart ached a little as her mom asked about the team dads. Her dad should be part of this gathering. He should be there shouting and cheering. He should be here, period.
“Please, call me Joe. And, yes, it’s been great being able to spend some time with my son and the team.” Luc’s dad clamped a hand on Luc’s shoulder. “I’m sure I’ll soon start to cramp his style though.”