Page 92 of Shot at Love
“Nonsense, Dad.” Luc smiled and shook his head. “I’ve been trying to get him to stick around for a while. He’s retired, so it’s not like he has anything pressing back home that needs his attention. He can stay here and enjoy more Renegades hockey.”
“Ah, you won’t want dear old dad hanging around for too long,” his father said with a chuckle.
“Joe, you are from Detroit?” Kassie’s mom asked.
Joe finished his mouthful of food before answering. “Detroit, yes. That’s where Luc was born and raised.”
“Raising them is the hardest part,” Kassie’s mom said with a smile.
When it was time for dinner, they filed into the dining room. Their mom sat at the head of the table, with Luc’s dad taking the seat other end. Unfortunately, Kaden ended up directly across from Kassie, which made his glare hard to ignore.
Even when not looking at him, she could sense it. It made the hair on the back of her neck tingle.
“It was really nice of you to invite us over, Mrs. O’Conner,” Luc said, sliding his arm along the back of Kassie’s chair.
“It was my pleasure. Kassie doesn’t date much, not since we got to Pittsburgh, so this was the least I could do. Plus, it’s nice having a big family dinner.”
Kaden grumbled under his breath, but they all heard it.
“Kaden, enough out of you. Anyway, Luc, I figured it was time that I met the young man who occupies so much of my daughter’s time. I’ve heard so much about you already.” Kassie’s mom grinned sweetly.
“Oh boy, all good I hope,” Luc said, joking, but with Kaden at the table, maybe he wasn’t.
“All I know is that you make my Kassie happy, you treat her well, and you make her smile. That’s all a mother really needs to know, because that’s what’s important.”
Her mother’s words were kind and true. But what bothered Kassie was Kaden. He hadn’t said a nice word to Luc all night. Tired of the nonsense, she kicked her brother under the table. It was like they were kids again, fighting while trying to not get in trouble. Their dad used to be the one they tried to hide it from. His bark was worse than his bite, but still, neither of them wanted to be yelled at by him.
Kassie’s mom grabbed both of their arms, glared at them both, and then smiled at her guests. “Yep. These two are my angels. Kaden moved us here so we could be closer to him and his family. And Kassie, she lived with me for a while, helping me get back on my feet. But like Joe said, she’s young, and I don’t need to be cramping her style. Especially now that she has a special young man in her life.”
Kaden’s groan was probably meant to be quieter, but instead, the whole table heard it. Ali rolled her eyes and slapped him on the arm.
“I know there is some tension between you boys since you play on the same team,” Kassie’s mom continued.
Kaden glared at Luc. “Mom, we aren’t on a local ball hockey team. This is the professional hockey league, and this should be a non-issue. Meaning, he should know better.”
“If I can say something,” Luc started. “Mrs. O’Conner, I’m a good guy. I know what the code says, and I know how your son feels. I’m sure he’s told you that there are stories about me. I know he’s tried to convince anyone who will listen. But that was when I was young and stupid. Isn’t everyone at one time? I’m sure there are plenty of stories out there about various Renegades players. But like most of them, I’m not that person anymore. Judge me for what I did back then, but get to know the man I am now.” Luc paused for a moment, as if he was thinking of what to say next. Then he added, “Can you please pass the mashed potatoes?”
“Well, Luc, I do agree with you,” Kassie’s mom said. “Everyone does things in their lives that they might regret later. We can’t change our pasts, we can only choose to do better in the future.” She smiled, her eyes twinkling as she watched Luc.
Kassie already knew her mom was on her side, but for her to say it in front of Kaden was a surprise. Looked like Luc’s charm worked on all O’Conner women.
Kaden slid his chair away from the table, the familiar look of annoyance on his face. He deadpanned toward the baby. “Kaleb needs to be changed.”
But before he could pick him up, Kassie’s mom chimed in. “Ali, dear, since you’re done eating, can you please grab Kaleb? Kassie, can you help me with the coffee? Mr. Mar—I mean, Joe, we have dessert in the kitchen that your thoughtful son brought. Would you mind helping me grab it?” Her mom hurried them all out of the dining room, leaving the boys alone.
“Mom,” Kassie said, once they were in the kitchen, standing around. “What do you expect them to accomplish in there? You know as well as I do that Kaden will sit there and not say a word. He’s got Dad’s stubborn side.”
“I know. But I hope they will try to discuss things, at least a little. Then we can go back in and try to move things along.” She fussed with the coffee maker until a fresh pot was brewing. “And if not, don’t worry. I’ll sit your brother down and make him listen to me. Besides, we all know he’s no expert in affairs of the heart. Just look at how long it took for him to sort things out with Ali.”
At first there was no sound coming from the dining room, but then she did hear voices. She believed this whole thing might still be able to be cleared up. Or at least getting it out in the open would invite discussion.
“I know if Kaden would just listen to Luc, I mean really listen, they could work this out. They both want the same thing for me, happiness.” Kassie knew all her thoughts made sense. But when Kaden was in macho-caveman mode, making sense was not something he would consider.
“That’s the problem, dear. Kaden is having a hard time with someone taking his place in your life. With Luc in your life, you won’t need Kaden to protect you. Luc will do that.”
“So, he’s just going to throw his weight around and scare away any guy who tries to get close to me?” It seemed like a dumb excuse, but in a ridiculous way it kind of did make sense.
“Afraid so.” Joe spoke up. “I hope you don’t mind me interjecting.”