Page 93 of Shot at Love
“Not at all, Joe. It’s nice to hear some outside opinions. My son is just so stubborn. Kassie is right about one thing; her brother does have his daddy’s bull-headedness. My son is a good man; he just doesn’t know any better. He can’t see that his little sister is now a beautiful young woman.” She put her arm around Kassie and lovingly pulled her close.
“Kassie, I do believe the boys will work this out,” Joe said. “It may take some time, but it’ll be okay. Your brother just wants to make sure you won’t get hurt. With your dad gone, I’m sure he takes that responsibility very seriously. Maybe don’t be so hard on him. Us guys, we have hard heads, so sometimes it takes us longer than it should to get us to understand.” Joe’s voice was sincere. “I believe he’ll come around in his own time.”
“Thanks, Mr. Marcella.”
“However, don’t expect Luc to back down and wait for your brother to come around. He’s got a stubborn streak in him as well, and when he sees something he wants, he doesn’t stop until he has it,” Joe added with a knowing nod.
The coffee was done brewing, and Kassie and Joe carried the cupcakes to the dining room. She didn’t know how long the guys had talked, or if they even spoke at all, but they were silent now. Ali followed them back to the dining room.
“That was a long diaper change,” Kaden commented with irritated sarcasm, as his wife returned to the dining room with baby Kaleb. Ali waved her husband off with a shake of her head. Judging by the smile on her lips and the way she rolled her eyes, Kassie knew she wasn’t letting Kaden’s bratty comment rattle her.
“Kaden Michael! Mind your manners,” their mom scolded. With that the table grew quiet. “Ali, honey, you do know that you’re allowed to slap him in front of me, right?”
That comment got a laugh out of everyone but Kaden.
Joe finished his cupcake and coffee without another comment. Ali and Kassie spoke about generic topics, while Luc kept his arm draped around Kassie’s shoulders. She noticed how Kaden watched them. It looked as if her brother wanted to say something, but never did. After having talked to her mom and Luc’s dad, Kassie wasn’t letting Kaden’s attitude bother her so much. At least not right now.
The evening wound down, and Luc’s dad appeared to be getting restless and even a bit tired as a yawn crept up on him.
“Well, Mrs. O’Conner, thank you so much for dinner,” Luc said. “It’s been a really long two days. Dad looks like it’s getting close to his bedtime.” Luc nodded to his tired looking dad.
“I wish I could say that wasn’t true. But these old bones don’t work as well as they did in my younger years. They tell me when it’s time to call it a night these days.”
“Please, you’re not that old, Dad.” Luc snickered, then turned his attention to Kassie. “I think we’re going to get going.” Luc kissed Kassie on the cheek before standing up. “Sweets, call me when you get home?”
Kassie smiled. She loved when he called her that, and it was even nicer in front of her family. “Absolutely. Be careful going home, okay?”
Her family stood up and said their goodbyes. Kaden was polite to Luc’s dad, and then nodded to Luc, but never spoke. At least that was something.
“Joe, I’m so glad you made it over. Hopefully we’ll be able to get together again,” her mom said.
“I’d like that. Thanks so much for inviting me.”
Luc leaned in and whispered in her ear. “If you want to stop over later, I’ll be home.”
“Depends on what time I leave here. I’ll let you know.” Kassie walked them to the front door. She didn’t even stop to check if Kaden was watching before she kissed Luc goodnight. “Drive carefully. Bye, Joe. I’ll see you soon.”
Joe smiled. “Goodnight, dear Kassie.”
Joe’s advice rattled around in her brain. She truly believed that he was right. That her brother just needed time. And it wasn’t her job to cater to his insecurities. He would have to get over it.
The house was quiet after Luc and his dad left. They all settled into the living room and watched a little television. Kaden had relaxed, and once little Kaleb woke up from his catnap, he kept his daddy on his toes. Kassie was glad to see the familiar jovial smile on her brother’s face as he played with his night-owl son.
“Does he do this often?”
Kaden turned his attention to Kassie. “Become a wild child when he should be sound asleep? Yep, all too often.”
“He probably just wanted to hang out with his awesome auntie,” Kassie teased. She didn’t realize she was smiling for no reason until she saw Kaden staring at her.
“What? Do I have gravy on my face or something?”
Kaden shook his head, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “No. It’s just nice to see you smiling so much lately.”
She knew that was as close to an apology as she was going to get from him tonight, but it was enough. Kassie nodded in acknowledgement. It was a small but significant step.
Not long after, Kaleb could barely keep his eyes open. Kassie’s mom suggested Kassie come help her with the dishes while Kaden and Ali have some quiet time with the baby and try to get him to fall asleep.
Now in the kitchen drying dishes, Kassie could only imagine the conversation between her brother and his wife. Was Kaden suggesting maybe he was wrong and that he should give Luc a chance? She doubted it would be that easy, but gazing out the window, she made a little wish on a star and hoped.