Page 94 of Shot at Love
Kassie dried the dishes, but her mind was on Luc. She would’ve preferred to go home with him tonight, but it was only right for her to stay and help her mom. “Mom, thanks for such a nice dinner. Not sure how much it helped, but it was delicious.”
“Oh dear, I love making dinner for you kids. And now our family has doubled. I love having you all here. I just wish your father was here to see this. He’d be so proud of you both.” Her mom teared up.
She handed Kassie the last plate to dry. All that was left was the meatloaf pan, and that needed to soak. Kassie glanced at the clock on the wall before answering her mother. She still had plenty of time to stop over at Luc’s for a little while if she left soon.
“Yeah, all except for how Kaden and I can’t seem to see eye to eye lately. He of all people should know that there are exceptions to the rule.”
“Honey, I agree with Luc’s dad. Kaden will come around once he realizes that Luc is good for you. And believe me, he knows all about those exceptions. He just thinks he’s looking out for his sister’s best interest.”
“I hope so—”
Ali stuck her head in the kitchen. Her face was pale. “Um, hi. I don’t mean to interrupt, but Kass, um, there’s been an accident. Luc is in the hospital.”
“What? How?” Kassie was still holding a dish that her mom had just washed. Gently, her mom took it from her shaking hands, probably worried she was going to drop it.
Ali moved closer to Kassie, bracing to grab her if she fainted. Not that she was going to be able to do much with Kaleb in her arms. “Tyler just called Kaden. There’s been some sort of accident. We don’t know any details. Tyler is going to meet Kaden at the hospital.”
“Ali, what happened?” Kassie’s mom asked, likely well aware that Kassie had no speech function at the moment. “Joe?”
Ali shook her head. “We don’t know, Mom.”
Kaden opened the swinging kitchen door so he could talk too. “Kassie, look, I don’t have any details. I just know that there’s been an accident. I don’t know for sure who’s hurt or if anyone even is. Tyler is going to meet us there.” Kaden paused and looked at her. “C’mon Kass, I’ll drive you to the hospital.”
Stunned at his offer, she stood frozen for a moment. Having been taught never to take kindness for granted, she nodded. “Yeah. Thanks.”
“Kass, give me your keys. I’ll drive you in your car.” He kissed his wife on her forehead. “Doll, when you’re ready, you’ll have our car to take Kaleb home. I’ll call you as soon as I know what’s going on.”
“Kaden, do you want me to go too?” Ali asked.
“No, you stay here and let Kaleb visit with Mom. I’ll ask if Tyler can drop me off after we figure out what’s going on. With any luck, everyone is okay and we’re making a wasted trip to the hospital.” Kaden moved into the kitchen and kissed their mother. “Mom, thank you for dinner. Sorry if I was more of an ass than I should’ve been. I’ll make it up to you.”
“Oh, Kaden. You absolutely were, but I love you anyway. Be careful driving, please. I hope everyone is okay.” Their mom hugged Kaden then moved to Kassie. “Dear, I’ll be right here if you need me. Remember, no hour is too late. I love you.” She kissed Kassie on her cheek.
“Kaden, please message me as soon as you know what’s going on. I’ll stay here with your mom, at least until we know the details.” Ali kissed her husband and then gave Kassie a tight hug. “It’ll be okay, Kass. I’m here too, if you need me.”
“Kass? Ready?” Kaden’s expression was soft. The anger was gone, or at least set aside for now. It was all she could really ask for.
The drive to the hospital was quiet. Neither of them spoke. The radio was on, but no one sang to the music or even bobbed their head. There had been no further word from Tyler, so they still didn’t know about what happened. They didn’t know about injuries. They knew nothing. Kassie’s chest hurt and she felt as though she couldn’t breathe. The closer to the hospital they got, the more anxiety and nausea set in. She watched the lines on the road as they drove, and silently prayed. Please let Luc be okay.
All this time, she had thought she wasn’t ready to say those three little words to him, to confess her feelings for him. And now all she could think about was why hadn’t she?
Luc walked the halls of the emergency room. His dad had been taken away for x-rays. He should’ve called Kassie, but his phone was still in the car, or maybe he’d left it in the tow truck. Right now, he wasn’t sure. His head ached and his neck was sore. The second that car had slammed into them, he’d tensed up. His Porsche was a loss; the airbags both deployed, and the front passenger side was smashed in. The sheer thought of it made him ill.
Fuck, my car! Ugh. Luc’s head pounded, forcing him to sit down in the closest chair he could find. Through the fog in his brain, he thought he heard Kaden’s voice. Looking around, he realized he was sitting in a private family lounge area by the waiting room.
He made a point to listen to see if it was really Kaden’s voice or if he was hallucinating. If he was hallucinating, then they’d better get him back there for some scans, too. The last thing he needed was a concussion. The way his neck was killing him, he’d no doubt be scratched for at least the next game. Sadly, he was more worried about his car than his own health.
But the voices continued. Yes, it was definitely Kaden.
“I wanted to make sure he was okay,” Kaden said. “Is there some law against that? He’s still my teammate.”
Why is he here? I wonder if he told Kassie? How did he know about the accident? Luc continued listening to the conversation on the other side of the doors.