Page 95 of Shot at Love
“You’re not going to kick his ass once you know he’s okay, are you?” Tyler asked.
Tyler. That’s how. He was my emergency contact. My second was Sam.
“Ty, can we not do that right now? Let’s find out if Marcella is okay before we talk about kicking his ass. Okay?” Sam added his two cents. And there he is.
Luc had better friends than he thought. They were all here worried about him. Maybe I should go out there and tell them that I’m fine, besides a few bumps and bruises. But he really needed to get hold of Kassie first.
“Do you guys know any details?” he heard Kassie ask. He voice was strained, and it sounded like she’d been crying.
“No. Sorry, Kassie. We told you all we knew. And they won’t tell us anything more. We’re not family and all that crap,” Sam said. “But, whatever. Kaden, I’m just shocked to see you here.”
“Well, where’s his dad?” Kaden asked. “Is Joe okay?”
“They won’t tell us that, either,” Sam said.
“We’re as much his family as anyone,” Tyler complained.
“I’m as much family as anyone,” Kassie whimpered.
“Kass, you’re not. You’re just—” Kaden stopped himself in mid-sentence, obviously aware that he’d spoken up when he shouldn’t have. “Kassie, I didn’t mean it like—”
Oh Kaden, bad move, dude.
“I’m just what Kaden? A bunny?”
“No, Kass, I never said that, I was just—”
You were just being an ass again. Luc knew he should get out there and stop this before it got ugly, but he was curious to know if Kaden was going to turn this around or keep digging his own grave.
“You were just what, Kaden? I’m not one of his conquests, or whatever you guys call the easy girls you prey on. No offense. I care about him, and he cares about me. I have no idea where our relationship will be in a year, or even a month. But right now, Luc is all I think about. And he makes me happy. So happy, Kaden. I love him.”
The words hit Luc straight in the heart. She loves me. He knew how he felt about her, but he’d been afraid to put it into words; it seemed too soon. He’d feared that she would run if he said those words.
And there she was, saying them.
He had heard enough. Dragging himself off the chair, despite his fierce pain, he somehow pushed through the door into the waiting room. His neck ached, and his head throbbed. But he needed to hold her. Kassie’s back was to Luc, and Kaden was standing in front of her. When he noticed Luc, Kaden just looked at him, wide eyed.
“Kassie.” Kaden nodded behind her and towards Luc.
Kassie wasn’t paying attention, or was too preoccupied to notice her brother’s body language. “Kaden, I’m not apologizing for how I feel about him. I love him, and you’re going to have to figure out how to deal with it.”
“Kassie.” Kaden urged again. His voice was calm.
“What do you want from me?” Kassie whined. “I just need to know that he’s okay. Please let him be okay.” The pain in her voice made Luc’s heart hurt.
He couldn’t let her worry any longer. Still unsure how to approach her accidental admission of her feelings, he quietly announced in a low voice, “Sweets, I’m fine.” He reached out and gently cupped her shoulder.
Kassie whipped around, eyes wide and watery, her mouth gaping open. “Luc? Luc! You’re okay!”
Before he could respond, Kassie wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. Warm tears streamed down her face and smeared on his cheek.
“I’m fine. Well, mostly. I hurt like hell, but I’m still in one piece, so I call that a win.” He winced as pain shot through his neck and head.
Kassie gasped. “Oh, you’re hurt.” She reached up and touched the bandage on his head. She motioned to a chair by Kaden. “You should sit down. Luc, what happened?”
Luc looked up to see Tyler, Sam, and Kaden, each man silently watching him. Concern on all of their faces.
“Dad and I were driving home from dinner. Everything was normal. I guess people always think things are normal up until something bad happens, right?” Luc chuckled a little out of nervousness. “Anyway… I saw headlights coming at us. At first, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. The car must’ve been flying, because I swerved to the left into the oncoming lane to avoid it, but he still clipped the passenger side of my car. My poor Porsche.” He could have any car he wanted, but the Porsche was his baby. The thought of it being a crumpled mess made him sick to his stomach.