Page 24 of Breakaway
Morgan poured her first cup of coffee. Steam billowed out of the cup, and the aroma filled her nose. The first sip of coffee of the day was her favorite. Even better, she’d managed to be up before the kids and was enjoying the calm.
She needed the jolt of caffeine this morning, after the deflating way her evening had ended last night, thanks to Ben.
As she relived the moments leading up to the intrusion, her body still tingled. The way Travis had looked at her, the way he had touched her, and the way he made her feel, it was all new and exciting. And she wanted to feel that again.
“Good morning,” Aunt Trina said softly, as she entered the kitchen. “You’re up early.”
“Yeah, uh, morning,” she stuttered, startled out of her thoughts. “I wanted to get moving, you know, early,” she said, not wanting to seem rude about the kids.
“Sure. And the quiet is just a bonus, right? Don’t think you’ll offend me just because they are my kids.” Her aunt chuckled, as she poured her coffee. “I love my children, but the morning calm is the best part of the day.”
Morgan smiled with relief.
“Speaking of your cousins, you wouldn’t happen to be available tonight to watch them, would you? Our sitter canceled, and we had dinner plans.” Her aunt paused. “I know it’s short notice, and you probably already have plans.”
“I was going out with Travis. But I could cancel. He wouldn’t mind, I’m sure.”
Aunt Trina waved her off. “Nonsense. You could invite him over. Order some pizza or whatever. The kids aren’t picky, and they love pizza. Plus, they aren’t that difficult. Put on a movie and give Willow a bowl of popcorn and she’s happy. Hank is just a bit more hands on; he’ll play cars with you until bedtime, which luckily is at seven. Easy peasy. What do you say?”
“Say to what?” Uncle Sam smiled, while he piggybacked a giggling Willow into the kitchen, with Hank following behind. “Morning, babe,” he said, and kissed Trina.
Bringing Travis to her aunt and uncle’s house to help babysit wasn’t really her idea of a great date, and there certainly wouldn’t be much privacy. But Uncle Sam and Aunt Trina had been so kind to her, welcoming her into their home, so it was the least she could do to repay them.
“Morgan is going to watch the kids tonight for us, and she’s going to see if Travis wants to come over,” Trina informed Sam.
Setting Willow down on her feet, Uncle Sam’s smile turned into a scowl. “Travis?”
“Yes, Travis,” Morgan responded. She couldn’t help herself and sarcastically added, “You know, he’s a hockey player, about six feet tall, light brown hair, beard, great smile.”
He growled, unamused. “That’s a terrible idea.”
“I already told her it was fine. Actually, I suggested it. He can play cars with Hank,” Aunt Trina said, while pouring creamer into her coffee.
Uncle Sam wasn’t convinced. “I don’t like it.”
“Please. They’re not going to do anything with the kids here.” Her aunt scoffed at his concern.
Uncle Sam shot Morgan a glance.
“I’m telling you babe, it’ll be fine.” Trina obviously didn’t share Sam’s concern.
“I still don’t like it,” he grumbled.
MORGAN SMILED AS SHE opened the door. Travis stood there, looking as handsome as ever in a hoodie and jeans. He scratched at his beard nervously and looked into the house. “Hey.”
“Hi, come on in,” she said.
“Who is at the door?” Willow rushed into the hallway, stopping dead in her tracks at the sight of Travis. “Who is he?”
“Willow, this is Travis, my friend. Travis, this little spitfire is my cousin, Willow.”
“What’s a spitfire?” Willow asked.
Morgan smiled. “It’s a good thing, I promise.”