Page 25 of Breakaway
“Hi Willow.” Travis put his hand out to her. “Nice to meet you.”
She wrinkled up her face, but shook his hand anyway.
“Travis will be hanging out with us tonight, if that’s okay,” she told Willow.
“Um...” Willow ruffled her brow as though she was thinking. “Do you like pizza? Because we’re getting pizza.”
“Actually, I do like pizza.”
“Good,” Willow said with a devilish smirk. “And do you like music?”
“Willow, go see what Hank is up to,” Trina said, as she came down the stairs. She was still putting her earring on as she walked. “Hi, Travis. I hope you like karaoke.” She chuckled.
“Karaoke? What?” Travis questioned, giving Morgan a confused glance.
Aunt Trina excused herself to the living room.
“I was just about to order dinner,” Morgan said. “Make yourself at home, and help me put together an order.” Morgan led him by hand into the living room and to the couch.
“Trina, are you—” Sam entered the room joyfully, but his expression changed after laying his eyes on Travis. “Anderson.” Uncle Sam growled.
“Be nice, babe,” Aunt Trina called over her shoulder, before kissing Hank and Willow goodbye. Hurrying to Sam’s side, she smiled at Morgan. “You have our numbers if you need us, but I don’t think you will. Hank’s bedtime is seven and Willow’s is eight thirty. Typically, after Hank goes to bed, that is TV time for Willow. And I’ve spoken with Willow; she isn’t to give you any trouble about bedtime. Sometimes she’ll even sit in bed and read on her own until she falls asleep.”
Morgan nodded gratefully. She knew that Willow relaxed in front of the television after Hank went to bed, and was ready for bed promptly at eight thirty– most nights. She prayed tonight was one of them. “Works for me!”
“Great, well,”—Trina glanced at Sam—“we’re out of here. We’ll be home by midnight. Have fun!” she said cheerfully.
“Not too much fun,” Sam added, while staring at Travis.
Her aunt rolled her eyes and waved, as she dragged Uncle Sam out the door.
“That wasn’t awkward at all,” Travis teased.
“Oh, ignore him.”
“Yeah, ignore him,” Willow joined in.
Morgan chuckled at her little cousin. “Okay kiddos, is pepperoni okay?”
“No. Mommy always gets half pepperoni and half cheese only. Hank and I like the cheese only. And can we get French fries with cheese, too?” Her eyes were wide with excitement.
“Sure, that sounds delicious.” Morgan added cheese fries to the order. She handed the phone to Travis, “Add whatever you want. My uncle is buying.”
Willow pulled Morgan down to whisper in her ear. “Can we add the chocolate chip cookies?”
Soon dinner was delivered and devoured. Good thing Travis suggested they order one large cheese and one large pepperoni pizza, since she and Travis ate almost an entire pizza themselves.
Now she sat back, enjoying a warm chocolate chip cookie and a performance by Willow and Travis. He was being such a good sport. Willow chose a boy band song, and Travis followed the teleprompter on the karaoke machine.
“Travis, dance like this,” Willow said, instructing Travis on the moves she wanted him to be dancing.
“You never told me you could dance,” Morgan teased him.
He shrugged with a sly grin. “I like to leave a little mystery.”
“Travis!” Willow cleared her throat and sternly chastised him. “Pay attention, please.”