Page 26 of Breakaway
Morgan turned away, doing her best to hide the laughter. Her little cousin was serious about her dance party performances. It was adorable the way Travis was performing with her and letting the little girl teach him the dance moves. The guy could really sing, surprisingly enough, and he acted as though he was singing every song just to her. Hearing his sexy voice singing to her did strange, delicious things to her insides. She couldn’t wait for the kids’ bedtime.
FINALLY, AFTER PUTTING Willow to bed, Morgan snuck back down to the living room, careful to not make a sound. It had been a long evening, and she didn’t want to wake either of the kids. Willow didn’t give her any trouble, as promised, and Morgan was grateful. Before returning to the couch, she grabbed the leftover cheese fries, and then snuggled in beside Travis.
“That was easier than I thought. Willow was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.”
Travis smiled. “Must’ve been all that dancing. She is serious about her dance party, huh?”
“Oh yes. She has always been a little performer. I’ve been told that she and Tyler put on a great show.”
“Captain plays dance party with her?” Disbelief showed on his face.
He chuckled. “I just can’t picture Cap dancing and singing.”
“Hey, she can be very persuasive.” She shook her head.
“But Captain?”
“I didn’t see you hesitate when Willow asked you to dance.”
He waved her off. “So you liked my moves, huh?” A cocky grin slid across his lips.
“They were very impressive,” she responded, and continued to snack on the fries. “You should start a Youtube channel—showcase your moves,” she teased. “Imagine the views you’d get.”
“Imagine if the guys saw me dancing and singing to a boy band song. I would never hear the end of that.” Travis covered his face, feigning embarrassment. “I’d rather it be our little secret.”
“My private dancer. I like the sound of that. Especially if it’s anything like the other night.”
“Then I could definitely oblige.” He growled. “I didn’t get the chance to show you a few of the other moves I have,” he said, as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her neck, tickling her with his beard.
“Take it easy, tiger,” she whispered. “Not with the kids upstairs.”
She wanted nothing more than to finish what they had started. The memories of that night frequented her dreams.
“Kissing is okay, right?” he joked.
“Yes. It is encouraged. And good thing, because I like kissing.” She smirked as he closed the space between them.
“Me too.” His warm lips covered hers. “I like kissing you.”
Travis’s hand moved around her waist, stopping on her ass, and his strong arms pulled her tight against him until she was lying on top of him on the couch. His lips were warm and soft, and his tongue danced with hers. He smelled of expensive cologne, and she couldn’t get enough. His large build cradled her, and she liked being in his arms, surrounded by his manly scent.
A moan formed in the back of her throat, when his lips moved with hers. Her heart skipped a beat, and her breathing became rapid, as her need for him intensified. This couldn’t happen here like this.
She pressed her hand to his chest. “Trust me, I don’t want to press pause on this, but...”
Pushing up on his elbows, he nodded. “Agreed.”
She moved off the couch and grabbed her bottle of water, while calming her breathing. Travis sat up and did the same.
The faint noise of jingling keys caught her attention. “Hello?” Trina said softly. “We’re home.”
“Oh hey, Aunt Trina,” Morgan greeted her, trying to hide her shock as she glanced at the clock. “You guys are back early.” It was only ten o’clock.
“Yeah.” She jokingly grimaced at Sam. “Someone wanted to cut the evening short.”
Morgan rolled her eyes. “Can’t imagine why.”