Page 75 of The Garden Girls
“I’ll update you when I know something.”
In the meantime, it appeared after talking to Ethan Lantrip Ty was going to take a trip to Asheville.
Blue Harbor
Bexley Hemmingway’s office
Wednesday, September 5
9:43 a.m.
“What do you mean it’s best?” Milo said as a crack of thunder shook Bexley’s office, reminding her that serious weather was on the way and she was going to have to make a choice—stay or evacuate. Neither would be ideal.
A divot had formed along Milo’s brow, his sandy blond hair flopping to the side. “You’re helping me. No one has been able to help me like you. What did I do that was so wrong? Mowing your yard was a kind gesture, wasn’t it?”
Bexley tapped a nail against her teeth. “Milo. What is happening here is called positive transference. You’re seeing me as a parental figure, and that’s not productive for our therapy sessions. Dr. Monroe has been gracious to open up his calendar and take you on as a patient. He’s nothing like your father. I think it’s going to be a nice fit. He’s here and wants to meet you. That’s it for today. A simple meet and greet.”
Milo’s jaw worked, and he pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re abandoning me. Rejecting me.” She’d feared it might go this way. She was right in her assessment. This morning he’d greeted her with a coffee and an offer to fix the door outside her office building.
“I’m not seeing some guy I don’t know.” He crossed his arms like a petulant child.
“You didn’t know me at the beginning either.”
“Yeah, and you’re dumping me!” He flailed his arms as he jumped to his feet with such force the chair fell over and Bexley startled.
The door opened and Drew stepped in wearing a fresh suit, his eyes conveying concern. “Excuse me. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Milo? I’m Dr. Monroe, but you can call me Drew.”
“You can’t help me.”
“Milo, breathe. In deep and out slowly. You don’t want to lose your temper,” Bexley said.
“I have every right to lose my temper. You’re abandoning me.”
“Let’s look at it as if she’s going on vacation for a couple of weeks. I’m going to step in while she’s away. And if things go well, which I believe they will, she may stay on vacation a little longer. Can we choose to see this through a different lens, Milo? Would that be possible?”
For a moment she expected him to agree. Drew had a way with words, a soothing effect with his clients. But Milo’s eyes narrowed. “I doubt it.” He stormed from her office, cussing a blue streak.
Could she take much more of this? Milo storming out. A literal storm pouring sheets of rain, the windows streaked and blurring the outside. This morning Josiah had stormed out on her too. What was with all the storms?
“What’s going on? You’re far too upset for this to be only about Milo. Talk to me.”
“Josiah has a friend that’s a rotten influence. Tiberius saw some chats with him and they’re pretty degrading toward me and his father. I spoke to him about positive and negative influences in his life, and he all but told me where I could stick my parental pep talk. And he did use the phrase ‘parental pep talk.’ So yeah, I’m upset.”
Drew closed the door Milo had left open and perched on the edge of Bexley’s desk, his freshly showered scent a comfort. Reminded her of a familiar smell she couldn’t place. “Are you going to tell him Tiberius is his father?”
“I almost did, but then the thought of dumping one more bomb on him might be too much, or maybe it’s not a bomb. Maybe it’ll be a gift. His behavior is stemming from this—I think. The anger—it’s so new and—”
“I disagree.” He laid an easy hand on her shoulder, and she covered it with her own, appreciating his friendship, tutelage and grace in her life. “It might do the opposite of what you hope. His dad is here but not for him.”
“I’ve danced around his questions for ages. He’s never asked if his dad knows about him, simply who is my dad and why can’t I know him. If he knows I never told Tiberius, then he might not be so angry.”
“Not with Tiberius but with you. Now is not the time for him to feel abandoned by you and Ahnah and his father—though he’s here now. Do you think he can actually find your sister?” A stray curl fell into his eyes, and he slid it behind his ear in a smooth gesture.
“If anyone can, it’s him and the SCU team. He only reveals what he’s allowed. I can’t divulge that information or I would. Right now, they have some leads but nothing definitive.”
His eyebrows rose. “What do they plan to do when the hurricane hits?”
“I don’t know. I don’t even know what I’m going to do. I can’t leave the island. Ahnah is here, I think. But I might not be able to stay if it’s as rough as they predict. I have Josiah to think about. What are you going to do?”