Page 76 of The Garden Girls
“I don’t think it’ll be as bad as they say. They have to give the worst-case scenario to the public. I plan to hunker down. Why don’t we get some dinner tonight? We can talk it out. Enjoy some delicious food.”
“I would love that under other circumstances.” She stood and wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you for all the support and your friendship, Drew.”
After a quick hug, he grinned. “I’m always here for you, Bexley. I’ll call Milo after he’s had time to process. I can coax him into seeing me.”
Of course he could. “Thank you. I hope this doesn’t set him back or on some vindictive rampage.”
“I can handle a tantrum or two. Be careful and stay safe.” He left her office. She slumped on her couch, propping her feet up on a pillow and rubbing her temples to bat away yet another headache, but it was pointless. Stress headaches wouldn’t subside until the stress did, and with each day it grew exponentially. She closed her eyes and tried to relax and pray to calm her nerves. Prayer generally brought peace to her heart.
Her cell phone rang, startling her. She must have dozed off. She checked the time. She had slept for twenty minutes.
Her phone screen read unknown caller.
“Bexley Hemmingway.”
Silence filled the line except for soft breathing. Her heart skittered a beat, and she bolted upright. “Ahnah. Ahnah, is that you?”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” The same modulated voice as before slipped through the line, curling around her ribs in icy bands.
“Who is this?” she asked, her voice cracking. “Do you have Ahnah?” The phone slipped in her wet palm, but she gripped it tighter.
“I have whatever or whomever I choose.”
Bexley’s throat tightened. “Please, let her go. Please.”
“You don’t have negotiating power, Bexley. Let me tell you what I want. I want you to separate yourself from Tiberius Granger. He’s no longer allowed to sleep on your couch. Oh, I know he does. I’ll know if he’s there or gone. You cannot hide anything from me. And if you tell him about this phone call, I’ll know.”
Why did he want Tiberius gone? To kidnap her and Josiah without trouble?
“You make sure he knows you don’t want a romantic affair with him. And before you lie and say it’s not on that trajectory, I know about the late-night beach walk.”
Now it was clear—he had been stalking her home. Her entire body flushed until a cold sweat broke out across her body. “And if I do what you want?”
“Maybe I spare Ahnah. Maybe I spare you and your son too. Or maybe I spare no one.”
The call dropped. Bexley let the phone fall onto her lap as she faced yet another impossible decision.
Chapter Sixteen
Blue Harbor
SCU beach house
Wednesday, September 5
12:22 p.m.
“I’m going to talk with Ethan Lantrip instead of heading to my father’s. I forgot it’s Wednesday and he won’t be at the house. Wednesday is his time alone with God,” Ty announced to the team. “Who knows where he’ll be. One time it was a flight to Vegas, so...” He rolled his eyes. “As far as Lantrip, I don’t believe he turned himself in of his own volition. In fact, I think the killer used him like a puppet too. I don’t know why, and I want to. He might be willing to talk if I let him know we’re aware of what’s going down underneath the surface.” This killer was a cold iceberg. His massive plan was still lingering under the water. They’d only been able to see the tip—what he intended them to view.
A bolt of lightning streaked across the hazy, rain-filled sky, and Ty frowned at the reminder that time was running out and devastation was on its way.
“You think you can crack him?” Asa asked.
“Figuratively or literally?”
“Take Fiona with you.” He and Fi had returned a couple of hours ago, and he’d brought her up to speed.
Ty sighed. “Come on, Fi Fi McGee.”