Page 28 of Evelyn's Enforcer
So, after shaking my own head in frustration, I followed Evie inside the car, soon joining her on the back seat. Then I told my driver,
“To the estate, Anthony.”
As for the drive from Toronto Pearson International Airport to Bayview Ridge, where my home was, it was mostly done in silence. It seemed I wasn’t the only one with a lot on my mind. Which meant had I not had her hand entwined with mine, it would have been a completely uneventful journey home.
However, when it became clear that we were nearing our destination, thanks to the large, gated entrance the car was pulling up to, I felt her tense next to me. She also tried to slip her hand from mine. But this wasn’t something I would allow. Instead, I gripped it tighter and used my hold on her to pull her closer into me. Then I cupped her cheek and told her,
“Don’t be nervous about being in my home.”
She swallowed hard, but this was my only reply as she didn’t speak. But then, she didn’t need to. Her expression once again told me all I needed to know. I nodded for the car to pull to the front of the house, instead of following the rest of the convoy into the garages we kept at the back of the property.
It was a French style chateau, sitting on a sprawling ten acres, and was the biggest lot on the prestigious enclave of Bayview Ridge. It was a pale stone building with curved turrets at the corners and a grand entrance framed by its two-story pillars.
“Wow, this place is incredible, I can’t believe you actually live here,” she commented in awe the moment she was out of the car, now standing back and looking at the grand structure in front of her.
This was when I thought it well to remind her of the gravity of her new situation. Doing so first by wrapping my arms around her from behind so as she couldn’t escape the truth of my words.
“I do and while you’re at it, you can also believe that you live here too, for may I be the first to welcome you to your…”
“…New home.”
Ihad to admit, once I finally got her inside my home, I felt myself relax more than I had done in months. It was as if having her here was the first major hurdle to overcome. The first big step had been taken, and now that I knew her safety was ensured, I could then spend the time trying to get her to fall in love with me. To hopefully get her to the point that she would want to remain here of her own free will and not as the prisoner I had been forced to claim her to be.
But that was not all. I also wanted her to feel comfortable in my home, one that I hoped she would willingly claim as being her own very soon. Hence why her impression of it was important to me. It was also why I didn’t take my eyes off her when leading her through the different rooms. Those wide eyes of hers looked on in wonder, which I was a good sign. But it was when leading her to my bedroom I was most intrigued, for in truth it was one sacred place I hoped to spend a lot of time in.
Of course, the moment I opened my door and led her inside, I found her reaction both adorable as well as amusing. She looked like some nervous fawn making its way out into the meadow and beyond the tree line of safety. Out in the open and stripped bare of her defenses, as if stepping into the wolf’s lair.
“Is this…”
“My room, yes,” I replied, again trying not to laugh at her trepidation. Especially with the way her eyes scanned the room, lingering on the large bed. One that was set against a curtained wall of black velvet, draped to the sides and fixed to the elaborate wrought-iron headboard. These matched the gray and black Egyptian cotton sheets, with a velvet comforter draped at the bottom of the bed. These dark tones matched other elements in the room, with the scattered rugs on the light-gray marble floor.
I watched as she purposely avoided going too close to the bed and instead made her way around the space, and I found myself leaning back against the door frame watching her.
She took tentative steps further inside and away from the main feature of the room. Black lacquer furniture with gold accents in an oriental style were dotted throughout the suite, that followed through into the sitting area. The pale walls showcased black and white abstract paintings, with bold gold brush strokes highlighting the swirls of paint.
“This is your room?” she asked again, and I swear I had to stop myself from putting a fist to my mouth to prevent even more laughter that wanted to erupt. Which was why I had to take a minute before replying.
“As I said, it is.” At this, she made a slight ‘hmm’ sound before moving toward the sitting area and running her fingers over the back of the dark-gray sofa.
After this she walked toward a large black dresser that held an ornate mirror above it, and therefore offered me her reflection. One that held a delightful mix of confusion, surprise, and curiosity. Then she picked up a rare black and gold Thomas Tompion clock, being one of only three clocks ever produced at the turn of the 18th century by England’s most acclaimed watchmaker. I thought it best not to tell her that I had paid nearly two million Euros for it back in 1999. She placed it back and once more wanted confirmation.
“Your room?” I allowed myself to laugh this time before answering once again,
“It is.”
“Hmm,” she replied again before stepping away, and this time over to the large bay window that held the beautiful acreage beyond it. The manicured estate was like a blanket of green laid out in front of her, surrounded by woodland. The tamed surrounded by the untamed. A sentiment that was mirrored inside this room as I stepped closer, no longer content at the distance between us.
“It’s a beautiful view,” she said, and I could tell with her breathlessness that she was nervous. I grinned to myself and agreed.
“That it is.”
Of course, I wasn’t speaking of the view that met me most mornings, but the one I hoped would soon replace it. Because there was only one beauty in my life my eyes wanted to feast on daily, and it was the sight of my Siren now standing in my life.
So, with this in mind, I moved with silent steps and was awarded with her gasp of breath when she felt my hands come to rest at her shoulders.