Page 29 of Evelyn's Enforcer
“So, if this is your room…” she said in a quiet voice, one that I found utterly endearing and I couldn’t help it when my lips found the graceful line of her neck.
“Mmm?” My reply became a contented sigh against her skin, and my reward for such was the slight tip of her head, allowing me more access.
“…Where will I be staying?” she asked on a barely heard whisper. This made me grin, which I knew she could feel against her neck, before she heard my reply hummed at the shell of her ear,
“My room.”
Then before she could fight me on the decision, I spun her around and pressed her up against the wall of glass, before taking her face in my hands and tipping her head back. With her mouth still open in shock, I took advantage of the fact by tasting the surprise for myself.
Just like she always did, she relaxed into my kiss as if unable to hold back the urge to do so. As if Fate wouldn’t allow it. Because she may have tried to resist what was building between us. Deny her feelings. Run from her fear. But like this, there was nowhere to run to. Nowhere to hide. Because her kiss didn’t lie. Just like mine didn’t.
And our love would be the same.
For there was no hiding from it in the end.
Not when I now had time on my side. So, with that in mind and eager to get certain things out of the way so as I could concentrate all my time on my nervous little Siren, I pulled back. Despite being near pained to do so. For I swore that when I finally had her, I would be locking the door and shackling us together in chains in fear of spending even a minute without her being within arm’s reach.
Fuck! But what was becoming of me?
Falling in love, was what.
But as for now, I had to ensure we had our time, and it was spent unhindered by business or rule. So, I ran the back of my finger across her wet lips and grinned down at her.
“Beautiful,” I hummed, making her blush. Before I could get even more lost in the sight, I told her,
“I have to go, but I will be back shortly.”
“Oh… oh, of course, well I can just…” I stopped her nervous yet adorable rambling and told her exactly what she could do.
“You will relax, have a shower or a bath perhaps. Whatever you prefer. There are new clothes in the closet for you and you should find everything you will need in the bathroom.”
“But this is your room,” she told me softly.
I grinned and, this time, it was one that might have been classed as Demonic, for I gripped the sides of her waist and yanked her harder to me before growling down at her,
“My room no longer, for it is now ours.” Then before she could utter a word of protest, I kissed her once more. This time wrapping a fist around her hair and tugging her head down so as I had full access to her lips. She would deny me nothing. Her sigh of pleasure all the acceptance to this I would ever need. The scent of her arousal filled my senses and made it a heady experience to get addicted to.
An addiction I could feed my Greed on soon enough but first…
“I will be back soon.”
“You said that already,” she hummed, making me smile.
“Then it must be doubly true,” I teased, making her giggle. A delightful sound that only added to the million reasons I wanted to stay. But I knew that if I didn’t deal with responsibilities first, then it would only be harder to leave once I had her naked in my bed.
“I won’t be long, Little Dove,” I told her, making her nod as if still caught in my trance. One that, if I had my way, I would keep her in so as to cast her uncertainties into the abyss along with the shadows of doubt that she wore like a veil.
But that time would come, so I walked away and closed the door, knowing there was no need for locks this time. Not when I had enough guards on the estate that would have been considered a small army. She wouldn’t have even made it a single step out the front door.
Yet despite this knowledge, it still wasn’t enough for me to take my time as I made my way to my office on the ground floor and found Faron there, waiting for me.
“He is awaiting your call,” Faron replied.
“Good… and Van?” I asked after glancing around and not finding my second in sight.
“Licking his wounds with a bottle and boxing gloves.” I rolled my eyes at this and told him,