Page 31 of Evelyn's Enforcer
I grinned. “I appreciate it.”
“Of course, you do, Son of Greed,” he said with amusement, which I cut through with the next question.
“So, what of the other Enforcers? Do we know if there is any other who has found their Siren?”
“Ah, well, we may be friends, Ryk, but it’s not like we are in a fucking club, we are, after all, the rarity.” I laughed, knowing this was true, as most of us kept things very close to our chests for a reason.
“So, you don’t know?”
“Now I didn’t say that, only that we are so inclined to do what I image the others are, by keeping such knowledge a safe-guarded secret for fear of our new weakness being exploited and used against us.” I scoffed at that, knowing firsthand the truth of it.
“Well, if the Lost Siren prophecy is following the guide of the Fates, then eventually they will all come together, which in turn means…” Wye finished this sentence off for me,
“The Enforcers will be forced to do the same. Then perhaps in sight of such, it is worth reaching out and establishing as many allies as we can gain.” I released a sigh and agreed, even if doing so reluctantly.
“I will reach out to those I trust.”
“And I will do the same.” I nodded, despite not facing him, although this ended up being seen by Van, who now entered my office just as I was about to end the call.
“Then I will wish you luck with your Siren, for if it is anything like my own situation, then I would say we will need all the luck we can get,” I said, making him chuckle before mirroring my inner feelings.
“Yes, but what a fucking good battle it is to fight for.”
“To the death, my friend, to the death.”
He laughed once more and bid me farewell before hanging up, leaving me with the annoyance of dealing with my second’s poorly-timed insolence. Of course, with the casual ‘I couldn’t give a fuck’ relaxed state of him, I knew it wasn’t going to go well.
“And how is the cocky Lord of all manner of magic fuckery these days?” he asked, making me grit my teeth.
“Well, that depends on whether or not he has an asshole best friend whose ass he wants to kick?” I replied, making him scoff.
“Lighten up, Ryk, it was nothing but a friendly warning.”
“Friendly?” I seethed, to which he just shrugged his shoulders.
“I saw her face, Ryk, she will fucking run the first chance she gets, and you know it.”
I swear I thought my teeth were going shatter along with my bones for how hard I clenched my jaw and fist.
“Oh, and you think your ‘friendly’ warning is going to help with that, do you?!” At this he finally got it, now looking from my anger and finding the floor, having no response to that.
“Besides, she didn’t run from the bathroom, like she had the chance to,” I reminded him.
“That’s not what she is terrified of, Ryker,” he said, causing a bitter taste in my mouth, as I didn’t like the way he thought he knew her.
“You know nothing!” I snapped.
“I know that she is hiding something big enough to give me reason enough for concern,” he replied, making me feel like snarling an inch from his face.
“Whatever it is, it matters little to me,” I told him, seething inside.
“No, but it matters to her and that’s the point.” I narrowed my gaze at my second and had to force myself to stop from growling.
“Look, I get it, she could have been the cause of a fucking massacre and it would matter little to a bunch of Demons like us, but she doesn’t know that and, therefore, won’t trust you with that information like she should.”
I took a much-needed breath, trying to take in his words, ones I knew that, despite being hard to hear, I needed to heed regardless.
“It’s true, she doesn’t trust me yet, but she will,” I stated firmly.