Page 32 of Evelyn's Enforcer
“And you’re sure about that, are you?” he questioned, going too fucking far!
“I am still your fucking lord, don’t forget that!” This time I did fucking growl.
“Yeah, but you’re also my friend first, and don’t you forget it. So, fuck the consequences, as here it is, Ryk… The girl won’t allow herself to have you when she doesn’t feel like she deserves you.” I gritted my teeth at this.
“What the fuck are you talking about!?”
“She may have found the old man, but that doesn’t mean she ever stopped running.” I went to pass him, knowing that if I was in his presence any longer and I would end up strangling him.
“I don’t have to listen to…” He grabbed my arm and stopped me in both my tracks and my words.
“Let me find out what she was running from before it happens again.” Now this time I did snarl, inches from his face, knowing now what he wanted to do, something I would never allow. He wanted inside her memories, to invade her mind and take hold of it. To make her sleep and control her through that vulnerability.
He wanted what no man deserved.
A piece of her.
Which was why I soon had his throat in my hand and his body pinned against the wall, the panels splintering around his frame from the pressure.
“Never!” I snarled, making him swallow hard, which I felt travel the length of my palm as it was forced down his throat.
“Now you listen to me, Vander, you may be my friend, you may be my second, but Evie belongs to no man but ME… every… fucking… piece of her! Now do I make myself fucking clear!?” I gritted out in my anger, making him nod the once, despite my hold. However, before I could say anything more, the reason I ended up dropping him wasn’t because I was finished in my threat.
No, it was because I wasn’t the only one making threats in my home. I knew that when I heard the worst fucking sound in my entire life. The one that chilled my already stone-cold bones to the fucking core.
My Siren’s scream.
To say I wasn’t nervous now being here in his room, I would be lying because I couldn’t even fake normalcy. Because Ryker had known… of course he had! The man missed nothing and why would he? Seeing as he had barely kept his eyes off me for long enough for me to hide anything. If anything, he seemed to enjoy my nervousness.
Of course, I wasn’t a fool and knew what being here could mean for my immediate future. He had made as much clear when declaring this now my room as well. But then I also knew that if I said no and pushed him, wanting my own room, he would have given it to me. Making me now question why I hadn’t.
“Because every time he kisses you, all you can think about is him ripping your clothes off and throwing you on the bed, that’s why,” I answered myself in the bathroom mirror, ending this truth with a shake of my head before turning away from my own worried expression. I decided to have a shower, despite the bath being a sight I nearly wept at. It was incredible.
The room was huge for a bathroom, and most definitely not a luxury I was used to. Especially when I could have fitted my old bathroom in the space where just the bath sat. The tiles were super stylish slate that had an almost burnt copper tinge and covered half of the walls. Including the huge shower that had enough room to fit so many people you could have classed it as a party.
“Don’t go there, Evie, don’t go there,” I told myself, not wanting to even think about Ryker’s past escapades. Or should I call them Sexapades?
“Nope… stop it,” I told myself, trying to get out of my second hand, now-ripped clothes. As for the bath, it was a large oval that thankfully wasn’t big enough to fit a party in, but it most definitely had plenty of room for two.
But seeing as I knew he was coming back soon, I decided to forgo the dream bath, opting for a quick shower instead. Because I knew if I ever got in that tub, then I wouldn’t be out again until my digits were that of a ninety-year-old. So, I turned on the fancy shower after stripping out of my mismatched fitting clothes, a skirt that was now bordering along being obscene, thanks to Ryker’s hot and heavy hands.
Then I spent a few seconds under the powerful spray of the hot water, wishing I had longer. But then considering I didn’t know how long Ryker would be until he was back, I grabbed the expensive looking shampoo and got to work on my hair.
Ten minutes later and I was walking back into his room in a white fluffy robe, scrubbing a towel over my wet hair. Although the sight that met me made me almost stumble to an abrupt stop. I even dropped the towel in my shock because there was now an unwelcome edition to the bedroom that hadn’t been there before. And well, it soon became clear I wasn’t the only one shocked by the other.
Because, there, on the bed, was now a beautiful, stunning woman lying seductively upon the sheets, clearly in the middle of pleasuring herself! Something that looked easy to do too, considering she wasn’t wearing any underwear under her short, shimmering gold dress. One that was strappy at the exposed sides, and the single piece of gold string tied around her neck like a bikini top.
She pulled it off too, what with her lithe body shape, legs that went on for days, and the golden tan that she wore like a badge of honor. Even her long black hair was like a glossy mane, one she had pulled back tight to her head in one long ponytail that almost looked wet, it was that tight. Jesus, she looked like she was one some pornographic photoshoot!
I gasped and her eyes snapped open before narrowing dangerously at me.
“Who the fuck are you?!” She bit out angrily, making me instantly take a step back.