Page 49 of Evelyn's Enforcer
“Overcome you how?” Van asked, narrowing his gaze once again.
“I can only assume that being linked to my father’s realm, it felt connected to me and not in a good way… as if it was draining my vessel of my Demon and trying to drag him back to Hell that way,” I told him, going back to that day and almost shivering at the memory of that haunting feeling. It was as if the very essence of me was being stripped away, ready to leave a mere lost, empty shell behind.
“Shit, but how does something even wield a power like that?” he asked, making me shake my head.
“I don’t know but it must have had a tethering cast upon it, as I saw Evelyn throw it back into the portal it helped create before passing out, and now it is still back in the wrong hands.”
“One that bitch, Madison, is using now, forcing us to question, how did she get her dirty little gold nails on it?” I gritted my teeth at that, snarling,
“I don’t know but I have a fucking good idea!” Van nodded in understanding before telling me,
“Well, whichever of our enemies she is now in league with, this is definitely how she got her out.” I took a deep breath as that knowledge wrapped around my heart once more, forcing me to finalize it with words.
“She didn’t leave me.” At this Van slapped a hand to my back and told me,
“No, she didn’t. And she wouldn’t have…”
“What do you mean?” I asked, hearing something else in his tone. So, he took the phone from me and put the footage back to before Madison turned up.
“Watch,” he told me, handing me the phone to find my girl sitting on the sofa, her head in her hands as if battling with herself. But then the moment some conclusion hit her, she raised her head and I didn’t need sound to know what it was she said aloud,
It was a statement made.
“I love him.” At this my heart fucking stopped before beating faster than ever before. It was as if those three fucking words had sent my body into overdrive. Because now it didn’t just fucking beat… it beat solely for her.
“What did she say after that?” I asked, knowing Van would be able to lip read and I was right. Because she had stood up and declared something even louder this time, I could tell.
“She said… that she loves you and she doesn’t care what you are.” My breath caught and became prisoner to her words, her declaration, her affirmation. I looked to Van to find him grinning like a fool, whereas I was still dumbstruck. Then I found myself muttering,
“She loves me.”
“Looks like it, Ryk… now let’s find out how the hell we get your girl back,” he replied, jarring me back to the now and, in it, he was right. My girl had been taken.
Which was why I curled my hand into a Demonic fist and growled,
“And it’s time to kill a lot of people.”
Isoon had all my council sitting at the large oak table we usually conducted meetings around. Admittedly, with chasing Evelyn around the West Coast recently, it had been a while since our last one. However, as far as chasing Evelyn, well, that unfortunately hadn’t changed.
I’d had Vander analyzing every second of the recording, trying to see what else he could lip read from that bitch, Madison. After lip reading all that he had been able to detect, this depending on the angle of her head, it had at least been enough to know what her motives had been to warrant such a stupid fucking move.
But then she hadn’t been the only one to blame in this, as in my anger at her, before casting her out, I had made the mistake of revealing too much. Goaded into telling her that I had found my Siren and that she would be the only woman in my life that I would ever need.
I had wanted the pain to cut her deep and, well, it looked like I did too good a job at that. Because she knew how much a Siren would be worth to the Lega Nera. And she planned not only to cash in, but also held some fucked up belief that I would take her back if I believed Evelyn had left me of her own free will. But little did she know, that I would go to the ends of the earth to find her, and I wouldn’t stop until I did.
So, our plan, it was as simple as it wasn’t. Find my known enemies and known collectors that made their fortune selling to the Lega Nera. Because we may have not known where the next auction was being held, but I was hoping to find her before any exchange could happen. Because without a doubt, if a Siren was found, then that’s where she was headed.
However, what I wasn’t expecting was a phone call from another Enforcer and, this time, it wasn’t Oblivion.
It was Wrath.
“I would ask as to what do I owe the pleasure, but I am too busy for pleasantries, so will come right out with it, what do you want, Wrath?” I asked the big bastard, one that I didn’t only know as being another Enforcer, but also from his father who ruled over the realm of Wrath. He released a deep sigh which was unlike him to do, instantly putting me on edge. Because if something had rattled him, then it wasn’t fucking good news.
However, the news he gave me… felt fucking fated.