Page 50 of Evelyn's Enforcer
“My Siren, she was taken… fuck… but my Halo, my Emmeline, I… I need your help, Ryker. I had the plane they took her in tracked to London International Airport in Ontario.”
Van gave me a questioning look, so I held up a finger telling him to hold off and walked away so as I could take this call in private. For everyone in my inner circle knew of my own Siren, but I wanted to extend the same level of privacy in regard to Wrath’s.
“Are you with those you can trust?” I asked, knowing he would do the same in return.
“My brother, Hel, is with me and no other,” he replied.
“Seems you are not the only one who has found one of the Lost Sirens.”
“You speak of Ward?” This surprised me as much as it didn’t. Ward was a good man and like most Enforcers, as powerful as they came.
“No, I speak of Oblivion, although given the timing, I would not be surprised if there more and like us, we are keeping such knowledge close to our inner circles,” I replied, making him guess,
“Fuck, you found your Siren?”
“I did but like you, my friend, she was recently taken from me.”
He growled low, telling me that like myself, he was too fucking close to the edge of losing himself to his Demon. The only reason I suspected he hadn’t, was also the same as myself, knowing we needed to maintain control enough to function or there would be no chance at finding them.
“Then we must speak in person, for what I have to tell you cannot be said over the phone, Greed.”
I agreed to this, knowing that putting our resources together would achieve far more and have a greater chance at success when retrieving our Sirens.
“I will make my way to London and meet you at the airfield as I can do little but hope that, by then, I know more,” I told him, making him respond in kind, before asking,
“We will be there shortly. Do you believe as I do that Lega Nera is behind it?”
“I have proof that it is, for the next auction must be soon and if your Siren has been taken to London, then I believe we also have the city in which it is being held,” I replied, hopeful now that I was right, and the two Sirens were together.
“I know it is your territory, Greed, but I am telling you now, if I don’t get my Siren back, I will tear the Gods be damned city apart!” he growled.
“And I will right there with you looking for my own, so don’t question me on my loyalty, for you will find it matching that of your own when it comes to my Siren,” I informed him, barely holding back my own snarled words.
“Good, then we are on the same page,” he stated firmly, and the sound that followed I could image was from his fist pounding on whatever table was in front of him.
“Yes, we are. Now hurry the fuck up and get your ass here,” I said, ending the call to the sound of his lasting growl.
“And?” Van asked with a raised brow.
“We have a location. Faron, get the helicopter ready,” I ordered, as once again, hope bloomed inside me now that I had commands to make of my men.
“And where are we going?” Kenzo asked, making me answer before motioning for Van to join me.
“London, so have everyone ready.” The siblings bowed their heads and left the room, quick to follow through with my order. Vander followed me off to one side and once we were out of ear shot, asked,
“And you know this how?”
“Because Wrath just called me, his Siren was also taken, and they tracked the flight to London Ontario. Coincidence? I think not,” I told him, and naturally after anyone who had ever met the big bastard Wrath would say, Vander’s first words were to question this,
“Wrath has a Siren?” The shock evident on his face made me scoff.
“And that is not all, Ward also.”
Van whistled before speaking my thoughts,
“Fuck, but it seems the Fates have been busy.”
“The prophecy is taking shape, meaning that with the more Sirens found, the more risk to them and greater importance for their Fated Enforcers to find them.” He nodded at this, before I continued,