Page 51 of Evelyn's Enforcer
“I believe it is why the auction will be rushed. They will not want to miss the payload gained from such a prize and they will not want to risk our Sirens being taken before they can be sold.”
“Yes, and with it lets hope they get sloppy,” he said, making me wish for the same.
“We know the auction will be held in London, but the question now will be where, for we need to move quickly, as they no doubt will,” I added, making him once more nod in agreement.
“And what of Wrath now?” he asked, no doubt hoping for the extra backup.
“He is meeting us at the airfield,” I replied, making him grin this time.
“That’s good, as we will most certainly need the extra man power.” That we would, because if the auction was going down, then they would have with them a fucking army to ensure it went off without a hitch.
“Gather every man we have on the estate, as we won’t have time to get everyone under my rule to London but at least with Wrath’s combined forces, we shouldn’t need them.”
“I am on it.” I nodded to my second but before he could go and convey my orders to the others, I grabbed his arm and stopped him.
“Give me your phone.” He raised a brow in question but other than that, he didn’t comment anything other than to hand me it and say,
“Just press play, its already loaded.” I would have smirked knowing how well my friend knew me but, for now, I had more important matters until the helicopter arrived.
And that was…
Watching as my Siren declared her love for me.
No sooner had I arrived in London, and I was getting another phone call, but this time from a different Enforcer.
“Why do I get the impression you were expecting someone else?” he said in that overly-cocky tone of his and with his type of power, then it wasn’t really surprising or misplaced.
“My Siren was taken, along with Wrath’s,” I told him, knowing that he too needed to know of the dangers to his own if indeed she had been found.
“Then it is good I called, for I have information you may need,” he told me as I exited the car, now waiting for Wrath’s private jet to land, knowing it wouldn’t be long now.
“I reached out to Zepar and, guess what?”
I growled knowing of the Enforcer who was a High-ranking Duke of Hell. He was also the known Ruler over both Succubus and Incubus.
“He also finally found his Siren?” I guessed as much but then if any of us ever did find them, it would be the dark bastard Zepar. As it was well known that he had been conducting his own search of her for decades now, perhaps even longer. And well, let’s just say that his methods of doing so weren’t exactly of the legal kind in our world.
Now just why the King of Kings chose to turn a blind eye to this I didn’t know, but my guess would have been a blood oath of some kind. Either way, he was known to be obsessed with the idea of finding her.
“He did, and ironically not where he was looking, yet, in a way, the Fates didn’t lie to him, for he got there in the end… this despite the literal means he took as being Demonic gospel turning out to be something else entirely.” I scoffed a laugh at that, knowing of the once Angel that unlike most, had willingly chosen to fall. He had clearly felt as if Hell held a far more desirable life for him to live than the lies he lived by in Heaven.
“Yet this is not why I am calling,” Oblivion informed me.
“You said you had information,” I pressed, letting him know of my urgency.
“I do. The recent threat to his Siren led him to a lead I have been tracking.”
“What kind of lead?” I asked, hoping this would be the missing piece I would need in finding Evelyn.
“You wanted me to hunt down the one responsible for illegal casting on the mortal minds you fought against at the train station.”
“I have yet encountered more,” I told him.