Page 53 of Evelyn's Enforcer
But despite Hel’s easy-going persona and devilish grin he wore like armor, he too was as deadly as his brother and twice as cunning. With those disconcerting turquoise eyes of his missing nothing and always at the ready to rip a person’s throat out. Oh, and it was guaranteed that grin of his wouldn’t leave his face whilst doing it, the crazy bastard.
“Come, there isn’t much time, I will explain on the way,” I told them both after offering Hel a nod of my head in acknowledgement.
“You have a location?!” Wrath asked, and it was easy to see that he was as rattled as I was knowing our Sirens were at such potential risk. So, he followed me to the convoy of SUV’s I had Faron secure for us, motioning for his own people to fall out and join with my own.
Then after Wrath insisted on driving, I joined him in the front whilst his brother and my second sat in the back.
“Turn right on Oxford Street East, the others will follow,” I told him.
“Start talking, Greed, before I tear this fucking steering wheel off!” Wrath demanded, having to fix the indent he was making when gripping the wheel too tight.
“Albert Fish.” As soon as I said the name, unlike Oblivion, Wrath recognized the name.
“That sick fuck serial killer who killed kids?” This was unsurprising seeing as many murders were committed in his own city of New York back in the 1920’s and 30’s.
“Also known as The Gray Man,” I told him before going on to tell him the rest. That Albert Fish was a sick and twisted mortal who was a prime target for a Jikininki Demon. These type of Demons usually fed from dead human flesh, but this particular half breed went one step further. He possessed the sick and twisted mind of one Albert Fish when he was serving time in Sing, Sing prison for grand larceny. After that he came out of prison even worse, claiming to be hearing voices in his head. And not only was the apostle John speaking to him, but he even went so far as to say that Christ was as well. That it was his mighty Lord that asked him to commit these crimes and unthinkable atrocities. But his crimes that included anything from rape, child molesting, murder, and cannibalism, were what fed the Demon inside him. The voice in his head came from only one place as the Demon hung onto this mortal for years, feeding not only itself but also the sick nature of the man Albert Fish that was at his core.
A pure evil soul.
But being that he was also mentally sick, he was therefore an easy target, often giving into the Demon’s need to punish that of his own vessel. He would even ask his own children to beat him, to paddle his buttocks with the same nail-studded board he used to abuse himself. He also went so far as to insert wool doused with lighter fluid into his anus and set it alight and, all of this, I believe was solely for the reason to inflict pain on himself in order to continue to feed his Demon.
Something that continued for the rest of his life. As even after finally being arrested, an X-ray found that he had at least twenty-nine needles lodged in his pelvic region. All caused from self-harm by pushing needles into his groin and abdomen.
As for my dealings with the evil soul, it wasn’t long after he was caught trying to make two young boys his next victims. He had invited them to lunch and whilst making it, they accidently found his self-proclaimed ‘instruments of Hell’ hidden under his bed. This was basically his kill kit, which included a meat cleaver, a hacksaw, and a knife. Thankfully the boys escaped, but it was enough to get him sent to a psychiatric hospital. Although it was kept quiet at the pleading of his family, telling the authorities how sick he was.
He was diagnosed with many things, one of which was religious mania. However, it was whilst here that his Demon really came out to play and news soon reached me that he was conducting something that was referred to as a ‘crimson dinner party’.
Unfortunately, back in those days, a lot of these hospitals were ripe with medical torture, often after doctors had been turned mad themselves and with only a little push from dark Supernatural means.
Which meant that having a poor unfortunate soul strapped to a table, with other possessed minds all gathered around like vultures. This so as a feeding frenzy could ensue and all under the guise of a medical procedure, which of course ended with extreme pain, hourly torture, and then the desperate release of death being granted.
“In 1929 I apprehended him for the part he played in orchestrating ‘Crimson dinner parties’, as well as turning the minds of mortals and feeding on them whilst posing as a doctor. He was taken in, and I had him imprisoned and awaiting judgement when he escaped,” I told Wrath, as he too had dealt with his fair share of crimes committed in his sector. Kings Park Asylum being only one of them.
“He was last heard of terrorizing patients in Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky, before its closure in 1961. It was also said that he was working with Gruen.” Another known enemy of the King of Kings and therefore, his Enforcers.
“Yeah, but he was no longer in my jurisdiction, so my hunt went cold,” I told him, making Hel comment from the back seat,
“It says here he got the electric chair back in 1936, at Sing, Sing.” I glanced in the mirror to see him reading the facts from his phone.
“Yes, for the murder of a little girl called Grace Budd.”
“Fucking good memory, Greed,” Wrath commented, making me grit my teeth before telling him,
“You always remember those who get away. Besides, I like to be thorough when doing my research into those I hunt. The real Albert Fish may have died on old sparky, but the second he took his last breath, the Jikininki Demon that had possessed him all those years soon took his place, now having a vessel to inhabit.”
“Fucking old vessel, the guy looked like a fucking corpse at his trial,” Hel commented dryly, still reading what I gathered was an old article on who was duped as being The Gray Man.
“And now?” Wrath asked, ignoring this comment by his brother.
“Zepar has him. Turns out he has moved on and is now working for someone else, a common enemy we are yet to know anything about other than he is making a play to kidnap all Sirens.”
Wrath growled at this, his hands starting to change into his Demon once more.
“We need to get there, so get a hold of yourself, brother,” Hel suggested, and if there was anyone in the world he would listen to, it would be his brother.