Page 54 of Evelyn's Enforcer
“What does he want with them?” Wrath practically snarled.
“We don’t yet know. Hopefully Zepar will discover more. Well, that is if he doesn’t outright kill the fucker in his rage first,” I commented with envy that I couldn’t be the one to do so myself. I fucking loathed it when they got away.
“His own Siren?” Hel asked before his brother could.
“Found and, unfortunately, she got hurt in the process off the back of getting Fish apprehended,” I told them both.
“I will kill them all!” Wrath vowed, allowing his Demon to seep through into his voice.
“We will,” I amended, before telling him,
“All Enforcers that are fortunate enough to be gifted their Sirens will have to band together, for I fear that this is only the beginning.” At this he looked my way and nodded the once before then asking,
“So where are we going, Greed?”
Which is when I looked out window looking straight ahead and told him,
“Where the hunt first began…”
“…To London Psychiatric Hospital.”
At some point I must have fallen asleep and with little else to do, it wasn’t really surprising. I didn’t know how long I had been stuck in this room, only that when the sound of my door being unlocked woke me, I looked to the window to find it was now nightfall.
The man who opened the door wasn’t anyone I recognized, although I wasn’t sure why I would. He also didn’t look like he would have much to offer in a fight, because he may have been taller than me, but he wasn’t ‘Ryker tall’. And as for his weight, if there had been a string bean weight in boxing, that was the category he would have been put in.
He had shaggy brown hair, a thin nose, and barely enough stubble to be considered anything more than face fluff. His dull brown eyes looked me up and down with nothing short of boredom. As if he had drawn the short straw in this chore and wished he was back in his mother’s basement playing video games, eating Cheetos, and getting artificial cheese dust on his keyboard.
Oh, and he was also standing there now holding a garment bag in his hand.
“Come with me.”
When I didn’t move, he released a sigh as if this was all so very boring for him and he had a million better things to do. He also chose that moment to pull a gun from his back that must have been tucked into the waist band of his jeans. Because the second he pointed it at me, I knew this was threat enough to do as he said, knowing now why they trusted the skinny guy to threaten me.
“Yes, I thought so,” he droned sarcastically.
“I thought you wanted me alive,” I questioned as I stood in front of him.
“Not me, them, and I’m sure having a few holes in you won’t mark down the price too much. May even get some bidders excited,” he said, winking at me before ordering, “Now move it.” To which he added the jerk of the end of his gun as he backed out into a dingey hallway, telling me to follow.
It didn’t take long to realize that I was right, I must have been in some kind of hospital, and from the scratchy overkill and number work on the inside of my room, I gathered it was of the insane variety.
It also looked as if it had been closed down for quite a few years, or at least this part of it had because there was more paint peeling off the walls than there was sticking to it. I was just surprised that the place still had electric, or walking down these eerie hallways in the dark with this bored gunslinger for company would have been even less fun.
“What do you intend to do with me?” I asked, hoping for some insight to my immediate future.
“I keep telling you, it’s them, not me. I am just the lacky,” he admitted, surprising me.
“Then if you’re not with them, why not just let me go?” I tested, doubting this guy had enough morals in him to do so. But still, I thought to at least try.
“Oh I am sorry, I should have said paid lacky, as in they give me money and I do as I am told. Which means so do you, now keep moving!” he snapped, nudging me in the back with the end of his gun. The hallways felt endless and really, each new space merged into the next with very little change in the unnerving interior.
“In here, this is a good as place as any.” He nodded toward an open doorway, and I couldn’t help but suck in a quick breath when I saw that it looked like an abandoned operating room. Although the moment I saw the big freezer-style door on the right-hand side, I gasped, realizing what this was.