Page 79 of Evelyn's Enforcer
Iscreamed as Ryker was dragged through the portal, making me fall to my knees as he was stolen from me. Tears streamed down my face, as I cried out my loss, ignoring the mocking and evil laughter that had sealed my fate. But I ignored everything but my pain, my utter heartbreak as the man I loved was ripped from me. Because I didn’t know enough about his world to know what this meant. Whether he had survived being pulled through or whether he was in danger on the other side. I didn’t know if it meant he was now trapped in Hell and would never be able to find his way back to me.
I just didn’t know.
That was until I heard a commotion, and Vander broke free from the men holding him, so as he could make his way to me. I felt his arms go around me, before telling me quickly,
“It’s okay, he will make it back. Trust me and trust him, he will come back to you… he will always come for you.” I nodded through my tears as he cupped my head, holding me to him in a protective hold, making me try and breath through the painful memory. But I clung onto his words, hoping and praying that he was right. That Ryker would be okay and would make it back to me.
If I survived what was coming next.
“Oh, how very touching… now grab the bitch and let’s get this done, as I will need much more than her blood!” the evil bastard named Hector said, ordering his men to first grab Vander off me, making him try and fight his way back to me. However, the second I was grabbed by Scarface and forced to my feet, Vander doubled his efforts.
“Get your fucking hands off her!” Vander roared as I was roughly pushed through the metal doors and back into the mountain. One that had been left open since Ryker hadn’t even had time to close the security doors. They hit Vander, knocking him down and making me cry out,
“Leave him alone!” Although, little good it did me, because the asshole who had once held a blade to his neck now grabbed him by the hair and yanked his head back before asking,
“And this one?”
“Bring him with us, I don’t want him escaping so as he can alert anyone, and he may continue to be useful to us yet,” Hector said, before entering the cave.
“He has been reduced to nothing but a mortal blood sack, what use could he possibly have?” The larger man sniggered but Hector snarled back at him,
“One who means something to Greed and, therefore, the little Siren will have no choice but keep him alive, something she will only achieve as long as she does everything I fucking say… now bring him!” I gritted my teeth at that, knowing he was right. I couldn’t risk Vander’s life. I wouldn’t. So, I let them drag me back inside the mountain and inside the elevator. Which meant that I was soon back to facing the colossal doors that was the entrance to Ryker’s treasure horde.
“Now if you would be so kind as to do the honors, my dear,” Hector said before jerking his head and giving Scarface a silent order to let me go. Something he did by pushing me toward the door.
“I can’t open it, only Ryker can,” I argued.
“Sure you can,” Hector stated confidently.
“Only his blood can open the door, asshole!” I snapped, but this caused me nothing but pain because Hector walked toward me and back handed me, making me fall to the ground. The impact of his hand burned against my skin, making me force myself to hold back a pained whimper.
“Ryker will fucking kill you all!” Vander snarled, earning himself a punch to the gut and a kick to the ribs once falling to his side.
“Now as I was saying, you can and you will open that door, or I will come over there and slit a fucking vein myself and watch as I paint the fucking door with your blood!” I looked to Vander with pained eyes, and Hector saw this, so decided to use a different threat on me. He nodded to the brute with a ponytail, making him pull free his blade, flipping it out like he spent most his life playing with it. Then he used this to threaten Vander’s life once more.
“Now show me where the blood lock is.” I looked to Vander with tears in my eyes, and watching him mouthing the word ‘don’t’ nearly broke my heart. He obviously knew the risks because, clearly, Hector was here for only one thing.
The bird.
But the bastard noticed this silent exchange between us and snarled,
“If I slit your throat and she ends up being useless to me, then who do you think is next and, as a mortal, there won’t be any coming back for her… is this what you want for her, Vander?” At this Vander lowered his eyes before nodding, and for a moment I thought he was agreeing. That my death would be worth it. Of course, if it came to inviting Hell on Earth, then yes, we both knew that it was. But then he surprised me by saying,
“Show them, Girl Scout.”
“But what about…” I argued, making him interrupt me quickly.
“Do it!” he snapped, making Hector grin.
“Oh, how self-sacrificing of you. Now show me the fucking lock!” I swallowed hard and nodded, knowing I had no choice. So, I walked toward the alter, making Hector clap.
“Ah of course… Grim, help her with your blade.” I shot panicked eyes to Scarface as he walked over to me with an evil fucking grin. One half puckered and twisted due to half of his lips unable to lift into a smile.
I tried to step away from him, when he just grabbed me by the wrist and held it out over the same bowl Ryker had bled into. I tried to tug myself free, knowing it was going to fucking hurt and unable to help my reaction to want to flee. But despite the guy not being as big as the others, I was still no match for his obvious strength. He then used the tip of the curved wicked blade of his to draw a line across my palm, making me cry out as my flesh was cut.
“Fucking bastards will pay for this!” Vander snarled from where he was being held down on the floor, panting into the dirt.
“I doubt that,” Hector replied confidently, not taking his eyes off the sight of my blood as it snaked its way down the symbols just like Ryker’s had. Half of me hoped it didn’t work but then I knew that our fate rested on those doors opening.