Page 80 of Evelyn's Enforcer
And open they did.
“Excellent.” He grinned as the entrance was soon flooding with a golden glow beaming from down the center. One that got bigger and spread out as the doors continued to open. Then he clapped, a booming sound that echoed in the cavernous space ahead of him as he walked inside.
“Look at all of this…” He whistled then, creating another echo to travel through the mountain.
“I must say, I will be keeping your blood on ice if this is what it unlocks, for after I have taken possession of this mortal realm and forced it to its knees with my armies, then I will most certainly be coming back for all of this… for this… now, is this truly is a thing of beauty,” Hector said, grinning like some evil villain out of a movie. A villain who wanted all he saw for himself, and he quickly turned the second Scarface reached out and tried to take some of the gold.
The red glow in his hand snaked out just like it had in the bathroom that day, and the second it touched his scarred hand, he started howling in pain. One glance and I knew why because it looked like his fucking hand was melting off!
“Keep your fucking hands off it, for all you see here will soon be mine,” Hector warned, but at this Vander started laughing, pushing free from his bigger captor, doing so easily now that Ponytail’s mind was on was the treasure he couldn’t touch. Not if he wanted to end up like his friend who was clutching his burning hand. Meaning Vander was the last person on his mind.
“This will never be yours, Hector, for only the blood of Greed can touch his treasure.”
“Explain!” he hissed, now looking back at him as he limped closer to me.
“It’s hexed,” Vander stated, just as he made to me and slumped down on the floor with his back to a pile of gold coins that tricked down the mound with the movement.
“You lie!” Hector snarled, making Vander grin.
“What? You really think that the Son of Greed would simply hide his horde away with only a blood lock between it and a thief?” Hector paused to think about this, giving Vander enough to time to crush his doubt.
“No, Ryker had everything in this whole mountain touched with a hex, a death curse to anyone that does not hold his blood. A thief’s name to appear on a death dealer’s list is one that never gets erased. And well, we all know how those prompt fuckers can be. So go ahead, be my guest, activate the curse by taking the whole fucking lot from this mountain because, no doubt, I will soon see you down in Hell anyway,” Vander said in a pissed off, carefree tone as if mocking Hector and how little he knew.
He snarled in anger and said,
“Then maybe I claim a Siren for myself and keep her alive and kicking, as with his blood in her, she will not be affected. Speaking of which, it’s time to show me to the last piece of the scepter!” I looked to Vander and heard him tell me,
“It’s okay, Girl Scout.”
“But if he…” Vander quickly cut me off, telling me,
“Trust me, okay? I have a plan.”
“Does that include getting us both killed?” I asked, making him grin.
“Let’s hope not.”
“And Ryker?” He didn’t get to answer this because Hector had clearly had enough, and gripped me roughly by the arm before tossing me forward and telling me,
“Get it for me!” I looked back to Vander to see him nod one last time, so I decided to trust him because what other option did I have? I walked to where I had held it not long ago, and lifted off the lid, revealing the golden bird nestled there.
“Ahh, there it is. Magnificent. Now hand it to me.” I gulped before doing as he asked, picking it up and, this time, it showed me much more than just a glimpse of a vision… it showed me it all.
It showed me my Fate.
I tried not to let him realize this, holding myself still until the vision ended, the very last piece I would need if ever I got the chance to end this once and for all.
So, with this in mind, I handed it over and while he was busy motioning his two lackies over, one of which I could see now carried a duffle bag on his back, I made my way back to Vander. Because now I knew he was the only one who could help me. I needed to speak with him while I had the chance.
“You’re the one who spoke with Arthur, aren’t you?” I guessed.
“Yeah, I know sign language, why do you ask?” he replied, but I ignored his question to ask him another,
“Vander, you love Ryker like a brother, don’t you?” I asked the moment I could, now keeping one eye on the enemy. As for Vander, he looked at me in question.
“I would die for him,” he answered, making me continue.
“Would you kill for him?” I knew what the answer would be before he said it.