Page 2 of The HellBeast's Soul
“Yeah, well, what happens when I push you? You come at me, throw shit my way. We fight, punch the crap out of each other, and move the fuck on.” I frowned at that and asked,
“What’s your point?”
“She could have barged her way in there and slapped the shit out of you. She could have pushed you, written on the fucking wall what a stupid asshole you are… my point is, she had a choice and just like you, she chose the wrong one.” I released another sigh at that, knowing he was right. Essentially, we had both fucked up.
But it was what my brother said next that truly meant the most, and was the kind of truth that seeped in deep enough to finally take root and stay there.
“Now, I don’t know if what Pencil Dick said was true, that it was always fated for Ella to go back in time or whether this was just another bad fucking decision made. My point is, life is a fight worth stepping in the ring for. You may take the hits, your footing may slip, and you may get knocked on your ass but, brother, you always get back up again…” His warm amber eyes flashed with meaning before he carried on.
“…You don’t just stay down and let those hits keep coming. You fight for your life, just like you fight for the love you need to make you whole. That, brother, that is what you do. And I am sure as shit that regret doesn’t make the fight easier to win.” Like always, my brother knew exactly what to say and I took in each word like lifesaving medicine. But I was too choked up to do anything other than nod my head in agreement. However, Marcus was obviously feeling generous.
“Fuck me, Orth, but I think that’s the smartest shit I ever heard come from your big head.”
“Bigger the head, the bigger the brain, dick wad.” I chuckled at that.
“Er, pretty sure the people of Mangbetu bind the heads of their babies to make them bigger and eventually, that shit causes brain damage,” Marcus said, tapping a finger to his temple as their banter continued, and I knew this time this was for my benefit. A way to try and take my mind off shit. When the truth remained that nothing would.
“Regardless of big head or not, what Orth says is true. And as for Ella, she is a fighter, J, and will be one to the bitter end. She will never stop.” I dragged a hand through my hair at this and told my best friend,
“Yeah, and when it comes to her, neither will I ever stop and that…” I paused long enough to sigh before admitting,
“…That is my biggest fear right now.” My brother raised a brow, making me add, “I would never let her go, no matter what year it is.” Orth shook his head a little before replying,
“Then let’s hope history repeats itself.” Now it was my turn to offer him a questioning look, making him elaborate.
“She escaped you once before.” I released a heavy breath at that, knowing he was right.
“Cookie is smart, J, and besides, she has Fate on her side. I have no doubt she will make it home,” Marcus added, making me snap,
“Yeah, and what if that fucker is there waiting for her when she gets there?!” Marcus started shaking his head at this before telling me,
“I wasn’t talking about Canada, Evergreen, or even Devils… I was talking about you… you are her home now.” I swallowed hard at this, hoping like holy fucking hell that he was right. Because even if I had to force my way into my own past and kick my own ass, I would find a fucking way! But before that could happen, I had a different thorn in my side that I needed to eradicate first, and the fucking thorn just showed up.
“Ah, isn’t this just perfect, a sweet, little family reunion,” Niniane said, clapping her very snappable hands together like this was the most fun the bitch had experienced in years. Seriously, how I could have been insane enough to even touch the bitch, still astounded my grogged, induced mind. Hmm, the word grogged, now I hadn’t used that term for a long ass time and why now I wondered? Was it because I was trying to think back on what I was like in the past?
I knew it was early enough for shit to still be raw back then, being that it was only thirty years past since my turn and becoming the HellBeast King. Which also meant that my hatred for human life would have still been as fresh as three weeks past, not three decades.
And speaking of hatred…
“What the fuck do you want now, Niniane?”
“Don’t you mean extendable lackey?” Orth added, making me chuckle, a sound that continued when Marcus said,
“Damn, I was going to go with ugly bitch, but yours is way better. What do you think, J?” Niniane’s features twisted, giving even more strength to Marcus’s insult. Which wasn’t exactly surprising, seeing as her colossal ego wouldn’t have been able to take it.
“Well, Geryon did make it quite clear that he didn’t give a shit if I beheaded the skinny bitch, so yeah, both insults stand,” I replied, smirking when Niniane’s features distorted further into an affronted sneer.
“Oh, you think yourselves so clever,” she replied in a disgusted tone, and I looked to my brother before saying,
“Um, I think I’m pretty smart, yeah… how about you, Orth, do you think I’m smart?”
“Oh, I don’t know, you did have that one moment of stupidity a couple years back when you slept with that crazy ass bitch… erm, what was her name again?” Orth replied, making Marcus throw his hand up in the air like some kid in a classroom and said,
“Oh pick me, pick me… I know this one!” I chuckled at this as Niniane’s eyes heated to a glowing green and I could see her start to lose her shit. It was like fucking child’s play and way too easy, seeing as Niniane’s downfall had and always would be her inflated ego… well, that was until the day I got the chance to kill her. Killing Niniane was the second day I was looking most forward to and dreaming of right now, naturally the first day being when I was reunited with my Chosen one once again.
“Laugh it up while you still have something to amuse you, for pretty soon, you four, will be in my arena and this time you face not living contenders, but that of my summoned souls!”
My eyes widened in shock. Seriously, the crazed bitch had obviously seriously lost it this time.