Page 3 of The HellBeast's Soul
“So, you wish us to fight a battle we could never hope to win and die trying…? Great plan, very original,” Marcus muttered with a roll of his eyes. However, her eyes were elsewhere, solely fixated on me as she continued to tell me of things to come.
“Oh yes, some of you will die, which is the plan. For his Lordship, well, this is just one of many ways in which he wishes to punish you. For what he intends for you is death by his hands in sight of his new queen.” At this I lashed out at the bars, making them hiss angrily with power that invisibly burned. But it was fucking worth it just to see her take a cautioned step back, remembering what happened the last time she got too close.
“He will die fucking trying, and once his severed head is in my grasp, then we shall see who’s fucking platter it ends up served on!” I growled Demonically, making the unmistakable fear in her eyes flash before she forced it back.
“I must confess, your confidence is appealing but then, it always was,” she fucking purred, making me sneer at her,
“Yes, well let’s see how fucking appealing it is to you, Niniane, when your head is also there served at my Queen’s feet!”
She hissed at that, a grating sound that made me tense my jaw as it was like teeth chewing on a chalkboard.
“Then I will welcome the sight of his Lordship’s punishment, for as you survive the fight, those you care for will not, and I am looking forward to watching as you try to save them all. That, and the new souls I am about to gain.” Then she winked at Orth and smirked at Marcus. My brother snarled at her, showing her the growth of his fangs, while Marcus pretended his middle finger just popped up from winding an imaginary jack in the box.
She ignored both and walked away with one last thing to say thrown over her shoulder.
“Here’s to the death of the final Champions of…”
“The Summoner Games.”
“Right, well I would say we are well and truly fucked here, chaps,” Marcus said in response to what we now faced and, well, he wasn’t wrong. Because this wasn’t a fight we faced…
This was an execution.
Unlike all those times before, and too many fights to count, this was no longer one fought against the living and essentially shit that could be killed. This was against a fucking army of souls collected, and looked to be every single one she had in that fucking book of hers. One that I knew now even if I got my hands on it, it wouldn’t do shit.
I was no Summoner and nor did the Fates fucking want me to be. But then I wasn’t about to give up either, for I knew there was some way out of the shit storm that fucking bitch had put us in the middle of.
Geryon may have wanted to keep me alive, but that didn’t mean he gave two craps about those I cared for. Which was why the four of us were now standing in the middle of the arena, facing what we all knew were impossible odds.
Because having my brother and my Seeker weren’t enough, the summoning chains had also dragged that poor bastard Asher into my messed-up shit. But of course, I knew why, as it was just another way to add insult to injury. Just another way to hurt me. Another way to break me down. Well, if they thought I wouldn’t fucking kill myself to try and save these men, then they didn’t fucking know me!
If they wanted a fight to the death, then that’s exactly what they would fucking get!
Which is why I knew I only had one last thing to do, while I still had the opportunity to do it. So, I reached out to Marcus’s shoulder, gripped tight enough to relay how important this was to me, and told him,
“I need you to try and get a message to Ella.”
He frowned and said, “You will be seeing her again, J, they won’t kill you yet.”
I gave him a pointed look before my hard gaze landed on my brother. Someone who was snarling at the souls of all the Demons we would soon be forced to fight. They were just waiting for the fucking word go from queen bitch sitting on her fucking perch. Then I looked to Asher and Marcus… well, Orth soon got the hint.
He knew I would fight and end up getting myself killed whether Niniane intended for it or not. I wouldn’t let my brothers fall while I was still standing.
Not. Fucking. Happening.
“Alright, I will try…” Then Marcus slapped a hand over my face and without warning, I was suddenly transported to a fucking void of his making. One that, of all places, was inside the Janus temple, and I could almost see the memory of the battle that had been fought there all those years ago. The one that saved the fucking world and prevented the end of days. When we sent the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse back to the fucking Hell they never should have been summoned from.
Well, now I was facing another battle, and it wasn’t one I could see us ever walking away from, not like last time. But I didn’t know why he chose this as the setting for me to get my message through to Red. Perhaps he thought it would be symbolic somehow. I didn’t fucking know. I just knew what I had come here to do. So, I walked in my mind toward the fountain I knew she had thrown herself into. Something done foolishly or not, I knew that she wouldn’t have done so had she not believed in the act. Had she not believed it to be the only way to get me back. Because it was clear that as soon as she learned it could grant the worthy the power of time travel that she would use it to send herself back only a few days so as to prepare me for what was coming. She could then prevent the bitch from taking me. Her actions utterly, fearlessly selfless as well as noble and despite how dangerous they were, I couldn’t help but admire her strength and loyalty. Her devotion and love for me would forever stay etched to my very soul and sequentially would be an encompassing blanket of comfort that I would take to my death.
So, I took a deep breath and said the hardest fucking words I had ever had to say in my life, wishing I could have seen her beautiful face for just one last time.
“Ella, oh Ella,” I whispered, trying to fucking force the rest of it through my lips and ended on a pained roar of her name,
“ELLA, ELLA!” Then I fell to my knees, letting my head hang down before I told her,