Page 6 of The HellBeast's Soul
Well, it looked like Niniane had gotten her hands on the Spirit walkers of the Dead, as two attacked Marcus, working as one. As for myself, I kicked one of the little bastards known as the Kobold who was trying to bite into my leg. These little goblin fuckers could almost pass as being ugly children, until they opened their snarling mouths and showed you their multiple rows of pin sharp teeth. Although, due to their smaller size, it made kicking them across the arena a novel and, admittedly, enjoyable way of dealing with them.
But there were hundreds more and this was just to name a few, for there were plenty of species I didn’t know and had never seen before. Because Niniane had clearly been busy building up her high status as a Summoner, hence why she could host such events such as the Summoner Games. And if this was what eventually happened to anyone who dare threaten that rank, well then they obviously weren’t a threat for long.
It was endless, as wave after wave came at us from all angles. Which meant that our fighting space eventually got smaller and smaller, and pretty soon we would be fighting shoulder to shoulder.
“Give it up, HellBeast King, for they will not kill you, so fight them all you want!” Niniane shouted, now standing up to watch the fight more closely, and telling me in fact she was concerned that I would accidently be killed. Because she was right, they were never trying to kill me, but merely trying to make their way through me to get to the ones I defended.
“No, but they may accidently hit me when I am saving one of them and then what would your precious Geryon think!?” I shouted back, as I ducked just as one of the Wendigo Demons was taking a swing for my brother, and nearly ended up taking my head off instead. But this just proved my point, as now Niniane looked even more worried.
“So, what’s it going to be, Niniane!? ‘Cause I would rather die fighting at my brother’s side than watch him fall alone!” I shouted as I continued to dispatch them, only to have their souls rejoin the forced against us moments later.
“Oh yeah, want to save your brother’s ass but your best friend…? Noooo,” Marcus grumbled,
“It was a bit long winded, don’t you think? Mentioning you all by name, plus, I am going for affect here,” I said back, making him grin.
“Oh, well, in that case, how’s this for effect?” Marcus replied, spinning his staff around at speed above his head before hammering it down and making those closest to our right side all fly back from the force.
“Great, now just do it five hundred more times and then they might want a fucking tea break!” Orth grumbled before then saying, “Oh, the fuck with this shit!” Then he erupted into his HellBeast and started taking on more of them, but the problem with this was he broke the safety of formation. Now they could come at him from all sides.
He started to get covered in the fuckers, a mountain of green ghostly limbs, making me roar out,
“ORTHRUS!” Then just before he could get completely pulled under the rain of blows that was crashing down on him, I too pulled away, snarling,
“You two, back-to-back!” After that I went running, bursting into my own HellBeast form as I leapt through the air and took with me the ones on his back. This freed him enough to get back to his feet and deal with the ones circling him. But before I thought the same thing would happen to me, they started backing away and only going for my brother. So, I started tearing into as many of them as I could, seeing now that Marcus and Asher were close to being overwhelmed as it was never fucking ending!
I butted my head against my brother’s the second there was a big enough gap for me to do so, feeling the bite of pain in my hind leg after some little Kobold fucker bit me again. But before I could react, Niniane pulled it back with a motion of her hand, making it howl in pain as she tightened her fist. A green flame ingulfed it, as she stopped any attacking me. However, this gave me the time to shift back into my mortal vessel, telling my brother,
“We have to get back, the others are getting killed over there!” Orth nodded before making the shift himself, and just in time for me to roar as Marcus got hit, going down on his knees. This at the same time Asher took a blow to the head, knocking him clean off his feet. Dark, navy-toned blood now oozed around one of his four horns, he looked to struggle even keeping his head upright.
“You cover Marcus, I will save Asher!” I said before running for the man that over my imprisonment here, I had come to call friend. But then with him now trying to shake off the brutal blow, I only just had enough time to stop the next one as a horned, big mother fucker was lifting him up by the neck and pulling his meaty fist back ready to punch Asher to death.
“Hey, buttercup, wanna see what that feels like?” I said, making him turn my way just as I let my fist go flying. I felt the crack of something solid before it evaporated, like they only spent moments when being hit as something tangible. Then before it could recover, I tore my clawed hands through its chest and took its heart before destroying it. I didn’t wait around to watch as the soul returned back to its jailor, instead now focusing on helping my friend.
“Thanks,” Asher said as I ducked my head under his arm so as to hoist him up, before helping him back over to the group. Not that we were in much shape to continue, as it was a fucking undying army against four.
“I am getting real tired of this shit,” Orth complained.
“Yes, well, it’s not exactly my idea of a titty picnic either,” Marcus said, now looking like he was running low on his power supply. Which meant that when it looked like another Drude was about to get the upper hand, I pulled him back before he could get hit by some curved blade. I then snapped the Demon’s wrist up before impaling his own head on the end of his weapon. However, this wasn’t as effective as taking its heart, so I caught the blade as it made its way through the ghostly figure before it could crash to the ground. Then I tossed it to my other hand and hammered its end through the Drude’s chest.
Again, just like the ones we managed to kill for a short time, his body exploded into green fire before slithering in the air like a sea serpent right back into the book to regenerate.
However, before the next in line was there ready to fight, Niniane suddenly appeared on the arena floor and clapped her hands. Then she parted them to the sides, making her army float back as one, like Moses dividing the ocean. Then she sighed, shaking her head as if this was all very taxing it wasn’t going her way. Although the crowd most definitely was looking entertained and they only hushed down when she motioned for them to do so.
“How disappointing, as I can see now that you are determined to die right alongside them, which I’m afraid I just can’t have.”
I gritted my teeth at this, knowing I wasn’t about to like what was coming next.
“Then quit these sick games of yours and send us back to our cells, or let us die as warriors, for I don’t fucking care which!” I snarled back, making Marcus mutter quietly,
“Er, I for one do care, quite a lot actually… not that it matters.”
I shot him a dark look over my shoulder.
“I also care to live, if we are voting,” Asher added, making me resist the urge to roll my eyes.
“No, I think not, but you are right, my plans will have to change.” I narrowed my eyes at her in warning.
“I stand with them till the end, Niniane,” I declared firmly.