Page 7 of The HellBeast's Soul
“Yes, but the end is when I say it is and as for you, well I am just afraid you will have to imagine how it ends for those you care for back in your prison cell.” The horror of this hit me like a fucking freight train!
“NO!” I roared the second I felt the bars of my cell reaching out for me from behind, making my brother’s warning only a second too late, as I could already feel it snaking around my body. This before at the ready to drag me away and forced me from the fight.
“I swear it on my fucking soul, Niniane, I will fucking kill you!” At this she laughed, coming closer and asked in an arrogant tone,
“Oh yeah, you and whose army?” But then the unbelievable happened, as before I even got chance to answer her, a voice I had only heard in my dreams until recently was the one to answer her. In fact, I had to question whether or not I had been knocked out and was now currently lying on the floor unconscious. For that was surely the only explanation for the voice I now heard coming from behind her.
“He doesn’t need an army, bitch, he has me!” I swear it to be the voice of a fucking angel, and one only revealed to be my Ella the second Niniane snarled angrily and turned side on to look back at her. A move that awarded me the incredible sight, for there she was, living and breathing, standing in the middle of the arena just within reach of the fucking Summoner’s book.
“Fuck,” Orth hissed at the same time Marcus whistled. As for Asher,
“I take it this be the famed funny laugh girl?”
“Got it in one,” Marcus replied. But as for me, I was still trying to piece together whether this was actually fucking happening! Asking myself a million fucking questions and unable to make a single step toward her due to these fucking chains! Something Ella noticed with a grit of her teeth before warning,
“Now, let my HellBeast go!”
“Oh, I will let him go alright, but as for you, I think it’s time you get a glimpse of my power.” Then I roared in fury as the bars started taking me back, fighting against me in my desperate effort to break free and get to her. But even this was not enough for me to miss her reply,
“Why would I need that…? WHEN YOU CAN JUST HAVE A TASTE OF MINE!” She roared in a voice I didn’t recognize before the very last thing I saw was my girl foolishly…
Reach for the Book of Souls.
Facing the door now, I couldn’t help but allow a slither of trepidation to seep in as I looked back toward where I knew the waterfall was, remembering what had happened the last time I rushed in and acted without thinking. Could I really afford something like that to happen again? Because, this time, I had been lucky, getting out of it relatively unscathed, although it was true that I didn’t yet understand what ramifications there could be from grabbing the Summoner’s Book of Souls. I didn’t exactly feel different, but then I wasn’t about to climb the highest balcony of doors to then jump off to see whether or not I could fly. Basically, if I had any superpowers, I wasn’t yet in a position to find out what they were.
Although maybe I was, especially when I heard Jared’s voice again,
“Ella… I’m so sorry… Goodbye, my love.”
“Jared!” I shouted in panic and sure enough…
I turned the handle.
Of course, half of me had been expecting to just open the door and walk through the green mist, only to be rewarded with finding Jared right there on the other side. Or should I said hoping, because this was the happy ever after I was looking for after all this time apart. I wanted this to be the door to his actual cell and by me opening it now, he would have the ability to simply follow me back through into the Temple.
But in reality, this didn’t happen. Of course it didn’t! This was, after all, us I was talking about, and when had anything ever been that easy for us both? The answer to that was never. So therefore, I wasn’t really surprised to find that this didn’t happen and, instead, I found myself in what appeared to be an actual prison. One that I was shocked to say looked empty. And for the most part it was mostly nondescript in its appearance. Plain, pale walls looked tunneled from stone with obvious precision, given how smooth they were. This interruption in the carved rock was only broken up by the barred cells that looked to once be occupied, if the etched graffiti on the back walls was anything to go by.
A domed ceiling curved around and gave it the appearance of some futuristic space vessel I was exploring. One with recessed strips of light, where I could only just make out the flames flicking behind milky glass panels above. And that was it. It held no other distinguishable features. That fact alone made it quite creepy, regardless of not knowing exactly where I was.
But then I remembered once my mom and dad telling me about their trip to Italy, where they visited the Colosseum in Rome. They told me about the underground, a network known as the hypogeum. One that played an essential role in the Colosseum's purpose of entertaining near eighty thousand bloodthirsty spectators. A place today that was open to visitors willing to pay the extra to see it. A hive of activity back in its glory days where fighting and spilling blood wasn’t its only aim. Everything that could have been made into a spectacle seemingly was, including the thousands of animals that were used throughout its violent history.
This thought made me wonder if instead of just holding Jared prisoner, was she in fact using him for fighting? It would make sense considering both times I had seen her, she had appeared at Jared’s fight club with the intention of picking up new contenders. Demonic beings she would eventually see beaten and available for her to add to her collection ready to be summoned.
Could she be using Jared like that now? Could she have her own fight club up above these cells? I mean, there were no windows, so I could certainly be underground. But then considering I really had no clue as to where I was exactly, then perhaps this was just nothing but speculation on my part.
Either way, for as far as I walked, all the cells looked empty, so unless there was like another prison block, then I really needed to try something else. So, I started to make my way toward the opposite direction and back to where the doorway had first led me into. It was like a labyrinth of endless tunnels and hallways that I knew eventually would have to lead me to where Jared was being kept. Because surely, it had to lead me fucking somewhere!
“Where are you, HellBeast?” I asked aloud, while reaching up and running my thumb across the wolf necklace I had finally gotten back. Then after picking yet another direction to try, it was as if the Fates were finally on my side because I suddenly heard the thundering of an audience. It was a sound that instantly made me freeze in my steps.
The moment I could detect where it was coming from, I started off running. Again, all the cells I passed were empty, but I couldn’t help feeling a kind of buzz calling out to me. It was strange and hard to explain, but it was like a tugging on my soul. Something deep within me that was calling out and now guiding my steps.
I couldn’t help but question if it wasn’t the power of the book I had taken possession of back in the past? I knew the same power was freely flowing down in this place because I could feel it. I recognized it. But more than that…