Page 33 of Face
“So, they have your picture then?” I inquired.
“Just my mouth,” she replied quickly. “And a short video of me cutting my arm and watching it heal.”
Viper walked up to us and pocketed his phone. “BSI are on the way. I told them to meet us at the clubhouse so you could show them everything.”
“Good idea,” I replied.
Phoenix returned and said, “They’re pretty sure those are the kidnappers. Two suits from the FBI showed up. They’re taking the suspects and plan to interrogate them on the location of the girls. They’re human.”
“I hope the girls are okay,” Devon murmured.
“Well, we should go,” I said, hating that I’d rather spend time with Devon than go back and work because I was still angry at her, which I would analyze later.
“Bye,” she said as we walked back toward the van. Before climbing into the back, I looked to where Devon had been standing, and she was gone.
Chapter 14
Goodbye, Sweet Humanity
Agent Nolan Bishop looked at the computer screen, his look of horror mimicking Agent Shields’s. “There are too many sick perverts in this world,” he said, shaking his head. “I’ve seen enough. Close the window.”
I minimized the page and said, “Now you know why we can’t call the FBI. You guys have to find these vamps.”
“We still have to call in the FBI. They have more manpower to rescue the kids. We’ll take care of the vampires when and if they catch these guys. In the meantime, we have to treat it like a human problem and locate those children ASAP,” Shields commented.
“Understandable,” I agreed.
The agents took the chairs in front of my desk while Viper and Jemini stood in the corner.
“How long have you been tracking these people? This site?” Agent Bishop asked.
“Over a month. I’ve been watching their moves. They started on the west coast and are moving east, using the southern highways. They were in Texas last I checked. The plan was, we were going to take care of them once they reached New Orleans,” I answered. “But then those two girls were nabbed, and we thought they were already here. Turned out that was a separate case.”
“Take care of? Like kill? When you thought they were human?” Shields asked.
“Human monsters,” Viper said. “You feds have too much red tape.”
“So, you were just going to ‘take care’ of them like you did those humans a few months ago who kidnapped your wolf?”
Viper groaned. “Are we still on that? We’ve been over this. What’s done is done.”
“I had to write a very creative report for my supervisors after that. And I only did it as a one-time favor. Criminals or not, you don’t harm humans. You call us or the police,” Bishop said.
“Back to these assholes,” I said, pointing at the computer. “How long is it gonna take the FBI to shut down the site?”
“Not long,” Bishop said. “I don’t know anything about computers, but we have some brilliant minds in DC. I’ll tip them off and they’ll get to work on it.”
“And if they catch the vamps?” I asked.
“We have a liaison between the FBI and BSI who discreetly notifies us if they have a supernatural case or suspect. Don’t worry, we won’t drop the ball.”
I wasn’t sure how good that made me feel. “Look, I have a contact who’s been cloning the site, so once it’s shut down, hit me up and I’ll send you the files.”
“Who’s this contact?” Agent Bishop asked, his pen poised above his notebook.
“An independent contractor. She knows her way around the Dark Web,” Jemini answered.