Page 34 of Face
“We’ll need to speak to her,” Shields added.
I shook my head. “She won’t talk to cops.”
Why am I protecting her?
She huffed and stopped typing on her phone. “Why not?”
I shrugged. “I can ask, but no promises.”
The agents headed for the door and said, “Contact us as soon as you find out.”
“I’ll walk you out,” Jemini said.
After they were gone, Viper asked, “Are you going to see if Devon will talk to them?”
I was conflicted. I wanted an excuse to see her again, but I knew she wouldn’t talk to the BSI, not to mention she couldn’t tell them anything we hadn’t already. It was in the feds’ hands now.
“I’ll see,” I reluctantly replied.
“Keep me posted,” Viper said, leaving the office.
The sun was due to come up, and I was starting to get tired. I shut down the computer, went upstairs, stripped off my clothes, and fell asleep.
“I can’t believe you’ve never done acting before. You were such a natural today,” Martin said as we sat around a large circular grouping of sofas inside his mansion. There were tons of beautiful people milling around, talking, drinking, laughing, and snorting cocaine and Xanax off the tables and counters using rolled-up hundred-dollar bills. I’d just gotten done wrapping up a commercial for a pharmaceutical company, where I was cast into the role of a high school student who was praising the efficacy of the medicine they were peddling while playing basketball. It didn’t require great acting skills, but it was something for the résumé.
“Well, thanks, Martin. It wasn’t as stressful as I thought it would be.”
He was sitting a little too close to me and making me uncomfortable. I could also swear he was flirting with me, too, but I remained polite. I needed to keep in good graces with these people. I couldn’t bring myself to flirt back with him, though, for fear of giving him the wrong idea.
I’d recently grown out my hair a little bit, and it now was below my ears and touched my collar in the back. Martin reached up and moved some of it out of my eyes. “Commercials are easy. It’s big film that requires memorization of lines and a lot of commitment.”
I swallowed hard and wished he’d stop touching me. “I could see that.” I picked up my drink and took a sip to see if he’d move out of my space. I extended my elbow out a little bit and it worked, he backed up.
“So, I wanted to let you in on a little secret, Parker,” he said, still staring hard at me, making me want to squirm.
I swallowed the disgusting champagne. I couldn’t believe that stuff cost eight hundred dollars a bottle. “Yeah? What’s that?”
There was nobody else on the couches, but he still darted his eyes around a bit and lowered his voice. “I’ve got this drug that is out of this world. It’s rare and nobody knows about it but a very select few. Wanna give it a try?”
“No, thank you. I stay away from drugs. I don’t even really like to drink, honestly.” I set the champagne flute down as if I was proving a point.
“No, this isn’t some street drug or mood-altering shit. It’s life-changing, shit, Parker.”
That did not sound very appealing. “No, Martin. I’m good. Really.”
He stood up, grabbed my hand, and made me stand. “C’mon, just let me show you.”
I felt like I had no choice, so I followed him. I was hoping he wasn’t going to try to force me to suck his dick or something, because while I’d do about anything to make it big, I drew the line at sexual favors. Man or woman. I was determined to make it on my own merit and talent.
We entered a large master bedroom in the back of the massive house. It had fancy shutters that were drawn up, where the view of the grassy, sprawling yard and swimming pool was on display, the moonlit foothills behind it.
I stood in the doorway and watched as he removed an oil painting of a woman and set it on the floor. Behind it was a safe built into the wall. He punched some buttons and the device beeped before he opened it. Pulling out a small box, he then set it on the nightstand and opened it. Encased in dry ice was a small vial. Curiosity got the better of me, and I wandered close to get a better look.
“What kind of drug requires dry ice?” I asked, pointing to it.
He held it up between his index finger and thumb. It was red, a little frozen, and looked like blood. “Do you ever wonder why everyone in Hollywood is so beautiful? How they all stay young?”
I shook my head. “No, I never wondered. Plastic surgery has come a long way. I figured they were doing treatments and surgeries.”