Page 48 of Daddy's Lesson
“It’s supposed to hurt. Otherwise it wouldn’t be much of a deterrent, now would it?”
“I guess not,” she admitted meekly.
I let the paddle fall again, watching her bottom bounce under the force of its weight, enjoying watching it pink and bounce back up again. This time I left no pause for her reaction, letting it hit again and again, all across her bottom and sit spots with no pattern or reason to where it fell next. When I was sure that every inch of her bottom had been covered by its surface, I began to lecture between swats.
“Why did you decide to hire a Rent-A-Daddy?”
“I already told you,” she muttered, wincing when I smacked the paddle hard against the tops of her thighs.
“I’m asking again.”
“Okay, okay. I guess it was because I needed a change. I needed to feel something, and I guess deep down I’ve always been interested in a man who was dominant.” She gave a soft sigh. “My ex was controlling. He wasn’t abusive, but he also wasn’t dominant, and I do realize that there is a difference.”
As she talked, I continued spanking, but let the paddle fall with less force so I could listen. When she seemed finished, I spoke again.
“You wanted a change. You recognized that you needed a change. And if you’re honest, is not creating one of the things you want to change?”
“Yes, I guess so,” she admitted softly. “But it’s so hard.”
“And that is why Daddy is taking control of it. Sometimes when things are really hard for us, the extra accountability helps.” I punctuated my statement with five hard smacks across the center of her bottom and smiled when she moaned and squirmed in response.
“Yeah, I guess you are right.”
“So, starting today, what are you going to do?” I prompted, pulling the paddle back, ready to swing if she took too long to answer.
When she faltered, I let it fly, coming down hard with a crack that echoed through the room.
“Owwwwie!” she cried, glaring at me over her shoulder.
“Well, when Daddy asks you a question, he expects a prompt answer. So, shall we try that again? Starting today, what are you going to do?”
She sighed and hesitated, and I punctuated my question with a swift, hard, swat across the tops of her thighs.
“Ahhh!” she yelled. “I’m going to create, okay? I’ll paint or something, I promise!”
“Oh good, now we’re getting somewhere.”
“Can we be done now? I promised I’ll be good.” Her voice was pitiful sounding, her words spoken between sniffles.
I rested my hand on her lower back, but kept a firm grip on the paddle. “No babygirl, we cannot be done. A good spanking doesn’t even start until you wish it was over.”
Her indignant cry had me holding back a smirk.
“That doesn’t even make sense!”
“It makes perfect sense to me. Now, I want you to think about why you didn’t obey the rule, and what you could have done instead of ignoring it and acting like it didn’t exist all week.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
She turned her head again, facing the front like she’d been originally instructed, and with my lecture done I let the paddle do the talking for me, bringing it down again and again until her shoulders began to shake and her bottom was nice and red. My babygirl needed this. She needed Daddy’s help to unblock her, she needed the accountability to do the hard thing that had once come so naturally until it wasn’t hard anymore. Zoe needed to create to be the best, fullest, and most fulfilled version of herself, and as her Daddy it was my job to make sure that happened.
I continued to swat her backside until her arms gave out on her and she laid her head on the table, completely giving up the fight. I slowed the pace and intensity a bit.
“Stop trying to hold yourself back, little one. It’s okay to let go. It’s okay to fall apart. Daddy’s got you.”
My words seemed to have the desired effect as her body almost completely collapsed and she began to cry.