Page 49 of Daddy's Lesson
Dropping the paddle, I scooped her up before her knees buckled. Hugging her to my chest, I took her back to the couch in the living room to hold her. I didn’t say anything else. I didn’t need to. Which I was thankful for, because my throat was clogged with emotions. I knew this was hard for her, and I was so humbled to be the one to help her through this. Her tears soaked through my shirt as she sobbed for a worrisome amount of time.
I rubbed her back. “Zoe, I need you to breathe with me, baby. Can you do that please?”
She nodded, but I wasn’t sure I believed her.
“Good girl. Take a deep breath with Daddy.” I modeled what I wanted her to do and she followed suit. “Good girl. Again.”
We repeated the exercise a few more times before I noticed it was actually working and the worry began to subside.
“I-I’m s-s-sorry,” she forced out.
“Unless you want me to go and find that paddle again, I suggest you refrain from apologizing for having emotions. Especially emotions I forced out of you. You’re doing exactly what I’d hoped you would do. I’m so proud of you.”
She didn’t answer, just curled into a tighter ball on my lap. Her hands gripped my shirt like it was some kind of lifeline. I liked being her lifeline. We sat in silence until I heard tiny little snores coming from her.
Poor thing had exhausted herself. I considered moving us to the bed, but I didn’t want to jostle her awake. Hooking the coffee table with my foot, I carefully pulled it closer to me so I could prop my feet up. I wished there was a blanket within reach, but it was warm enough between the temperature of the room and our reflected body heat. With nothing else to do, I laid my head back and let myself drift. I still had plans for our day, but a short nap wouldn’t hurt either of us.
I woke in an awkward position, my body and head aching. As I shifted, I felt Lennon’s body beneath mine, and the scene from this morning came crashing into my mind. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block it out, but it was no use. It had happened, and it had apparently happened exactly how he’d wanted it to. His words of reassurance and praise permeated my thoughts and I relaxed against him again.
“Did you have a nice little nap?” he asked.
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good. Now we need to get up and have some water because I think you cried enough to dehydrate yourself.”
I giggled. “I don’t think that’s really possible.”
“Maybe not, but I’d rather not risk it.” He stood with me in his arms and took me to the kitchen.
“I can walk, you know?” I half-heartedly argued, but I didn’t actually want him to put me down. It felt good in his arms. Too good.
Lennon shifted, and before I knew what was happening my sore ass was hitting the ice-cold countertop. Squealing, I tried to leap off the counter, but he caught me and plopped me back in place harder than before.
“Ow!” I hissed in pain.
“What’s wrong, naughty girl? Sore?”
“You know I am.” I pouted. “You didn’t have to be so mean.”
“Yes, I absolutely did, and I’m not even sorry. Here, drink.” He held up a glass of water and I took it, draining it without a second thought.
“I guess I was thirsty. Can you hand me some aspirin, please?” I pointed to the cabinet in my kitchen where I kept a couple of medicines and vitamins.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, but I have a headache. Probably from crying.”
He gave a nod and retrieved the requested medicine, taking a couple out and offering them to me with a refilled glass of water.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. How bad is the headache?”
“Not too bad. The aspirin will knock it out shortly.”