Page 74 of Sizzle
“Once upon a time, someone sacrificed their own feelings for my wellbeing. For my reputation. To make sure that what happened was the right thing. It might have hurt me deeply at the time, but in the end, it led to a much brighter future.”
He looks at me, those gray eyes zoning in on the small bump of my abdomen, the baby we created living healthy and strong inside my belly.
“And while you put my family in danger, I understand it to a point. I know the strife you’ve encountered, what it means to think about losing something so near and dear to you. My family’s farm is a part of me, try to take it and I’d be a shell of who I am. And so, in this, I can put my own feelings aside to make things right. To forgive, even when I don’t want to. Which is why I want to help you.”
My heart bursts with pride. This is the man I fell in love with; he protects his family and is loyal to the town and the community that raised him. He understands how the people who work these lands feel about them; so connected and rooted here that they’d consider giving them up akin to dying.
“You want to do what?” Dan’s eyes snap up and all but bug out from their sockets.
“He’ll still be charged for what he did,” Jim jumps in.
“And I deserve any and all of that.” Dan’s voice is small, but he acknowledges his wrongs.
“While that’s still the case, I won’t push for it. You’ll get no support from me,” I interject, finding my courage. “I’ll be doing everything possible to recommend that his punishment is as minimal as possible.”
I have no idea if I can do that or if it will work, but I’d hope the words of a victim go a long way.
“And I will work with your family to preserve what will be left of your land and farm. I’ll pump my own supplies and knowledge into keeping your dairy farm alive, because I believe this community is greater for the product you produce. Farming and harvesting is our way of life, it guts me to know anyone would have to lose that. I’ll make sure the Quillin property doesn’t disappear.”
The way he’s handling this right now turns me on more than any other time since I met him. He’s incredibly sexy, standing up for what is right rather than what he wants to do. Swallowing his fury and vengeance is so mature and shows so much growth that I don’t know how I ever doubted this man was the one for me.
“Why would you do this?” Dan’s voice is rough with emotion.
“It’s just like I said, sometimes we need someone to sacrifice what’s inside so that we can make it to the other side. I want to pay the world back for the time it did that for me. You get this one shot, Dan. When it’s your time, don’t squander it.”
“We need to take your statement. Technically, you’re not even supposed to be doing this.” Jim looks nervous, like he just let something happen that he wasn’t supposed to, and Dan is led in the opposite direction.
When he passes me, he mouths the words thank you and I’m so sorry, once again. Sure, I know he means them, but I don’t need them. They aren’t for me. The only forgiveness I can give is to myself, to let this go and focus on the future I want so much.
Jim brings us back to a room and asks us if we need water, to which I answer yes. But really, I just want a minute alone with Liam.
“You’re the most honorable, incredible man I’ve ever known.” I press a kiss to his scalp as he leans down to press his mouth to my clothed bump.
“That was fucking hard,” he murmurs, pressing his ear to my belly as if he might be able to hear our son talking.
“I know. But in the long run, that will make us feel much better than holding on to anger that does us no good. You’re a phenomenal person, Liam Ashton. Especially when you let people see the heart you have under your armor.”
“Are you okay?” He glances up, his eyes full of love.
“I will be.” Assuring him as we wrap our arms around each other.
The cocoon we make protects our baby, cementing our little family; that is the only thing that matters right now.
“Let’s get this over with, and then let’s go home and start the life I’ve dreamed about since the first time I walked into your classroom.” He kisses my lips.
“Sounds like the happiest happily ever after to me.”
Four Months Later
“With the way the baby is positioned, head up, he’s breach. Considering how early it is and with that complication, I don’t want to take any chances. We need to take you in for a C-section.”
My doctor’s words ring in my ears, shock permeating every cell, and I absentmindedly turn to Liam to gauge his reaction.
To my surprise, my husband is cool as a cucumber, smiling at me like he couldn’t be more excited.