Page 32 of Wicked Urge
The laptop stood open, and Abel didn’t log out of his email. At the top, it listed a subject about 501c3 papers needing reviewing. I bit my bottom lip, contemplating whether I should open it. I probably shouldn’t, but his vague attitude about his charity event made me curious, and I wondered what it involved.
Quickly clicking on the email before I chickened out, I read through the body of the text, and it amazed me his charity was scholarships for children of addicts to help ensure they had educational needs met. It even paid for full housing, food, and school supplies. It was incredible. It would’ve been something I needed if I hadn’t gotten the help I had. The student would then be capable of focusing entirely on their education and not stress about basic living. Notes suggested expanding to foster children as well.
Happiness warmed my heart, and my love for Abel grew deeper. What a fantastic program. It made me wonder if he ever had me in mind because it intimately affected me.
Shaking my head, I tried not to go there. It was an egotistical thought, but it had wings and fluttered around my mind.
With the studying I had to do, I exited the program and logged off Abel’s email so temptation didn’t nag at me to open more of them. It was highly invasive, and I’d be furious if he read through my emails without my knowing, which made no sense because I had nothing to hide, but it was the principle of the matter.
At midnight, I crawled into bed. I bet my other classmates, or at least most of them I ran into at the library, were still cramming. Luckily, I had a more relaxed approach and was as prepared as I’d ever been.
* * *
Walking toward the classroom the following day, I shook with nerves, and my phone buzzed.
Abel: Don’t worry about the test, baby. You got this. You’re ready, and you’re going to ace it because you’re smart.
Me: *kiss kiss* <3 <3 <3
Later, after adding the final touches to the last essay question, I quickly reviewed the test and ensured everything was answered. When it looked okay, I put my pencil in my bag, nervously stood to walk to the front, and placed my exam in the turn-in-box. The professor nodded then looked at the paper he was grading, and I weakly smiled as my body went to jelly from how stiffly I’d been sitting in my seat.
As I left the room, I spanned the class and was amazed not to be one of the last ones to go. After having Abel as a study partner, I’d breezed through the questions.
Not wanting to be around many people since I was wound so tightly, I went to the dining hall, placed an order to go, and shuffled into my dorm in no time. Abel sprawled on my bed as he watched me walk into my room.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
Abel pointed to a coffee on my nightstand and opened his arms. I dropped my bag, crawled onto the bed, and curled in them.
“I figured you’d want to unwind. You were nervous, and nothing makes you happier than a fresh coffee.” He ran his hands along my back, and the tension I had built up slowly diminished. Since the test ended, you’d think I’d be better, but I’d only relax once the test grade came in.
“Thank you.” I kissed him, and it went from a sweet thank-you kiss to a full-fledged make-out session. Our hands roamed over each other, but neither of us tried to take anything off. It was a high school make-out session, and I enjoyed it.
Abel’s hands even found knots in my neck and shoulders, and he worked them out as he stroked his tongue against mine.
A buzzing sound interrupted us, and I wanted to mute it and get back to our little bubble because this had turned into a little piece of heaven, and I wanted to soak in it a while longer. However, Abel had other ideas as he slowed the kiss and eased on his caresses.
“Sorry, babe, I have to get to practice. We’ve got a scrimmage.”
“No.” I groaned and kept pecking kisses at his lips. Abel smiled against mine, and I wanted to keep the smile there.
With gentle fingers, Abel ran them through my hair and lifted my chin, cupping my cheeks. “I have to go, but we can finish this later.”
Instinct had me pouting my lips. There was no stopping my future plans from happening, so I went with it. Abel chuckled, and the pout vanished because I loved it when he sweetly laughed. He rarely did. I’d only caught him doing it with me. It made me proud to be the one able to elicit a response.
Abel rose from the bed and straightened his clothes. I glanced at his package and smirked at the evident bulge. He kissed my head, shook his own head at the look in my eye, and left, but over his shoulder he said, “Enjoy your coffee.”
The disposable cup had lost the rising steam, but when I wrapped my hands around it, it warmed my fingers and made drinking much easier.
With Abel gone, I got off the bed, grabbed my food on the counter, and ate it, which unfortunately didn’t stay as warm, but I didn’t complain.
I grabbed my books and curled on the couch. It was time to study for my other midterms. I took a full-time class load plus an extra class, so there were still four midterms to prepare for. In times like that I wondered what I was thinking by putting so much on my shoulders, but I wanted an education and to learn everything I could, so I took an extra class.
The study packets Abel got me helped me speed through my classes. I mostly paid attention to my notes and went to the sections of the books that weren’t laid out in the material Abel gave me. It narrowed my focus of study immensely. I had all weekend to study, but I didn’t need it. I was prepared for the rest of my tests just like for the exam today.
My phone lay on the coffee table when it pinged. I grabbed it and a notification from my college app listed to let me know a grade had been posted. There was no way he had graded my midterm already. I launched into the app, opened the section for my grades, squealed, and jumped off the couch.
An awkward, quirky, spastic happy dance came out of me. I had no idea where it came from. I beamed and couldn’t believe I got an A minus.