Page 33 of Wicked Urge
The joy couldn’t be contained, so I threw on my shoes, grabbed my bag, and ran to the field where Abel practiced. I stood on the sidelines out of breath, I wasn’t known for my running capabilities, but I needed to get to Abel and share this with him.
People milled around the stands, but not very many, mostly girlfriends and friends of the players. Some players were coming out of the locker room, and I headed onto the field to get closer to Abel when he came out. Luckily, I didn’t have to wait long. My breath caught in my throat as he walked through the door with his wet hair and fitted clothes showcasing his lean muscles. There would never be a time when I didn’t love to watch him because he had the feline grace and confidence that had women all over taking stock. Out of all of them, he wanted me and only me.
Abel crossed the field, and I went running toward him. One of his players pointed in my direction, and Abel lifted his gaze and gave off his trademark smirk as I approached. I launched myself into his arms, and he caught me easily.
“I aced it! I aced it! Can you believe it? Thank you, thank you, thank you.” I dropped my head and kissed him hard.
Abel’s teammate laughed and walked off while Abel held me in his arms while he slowly kept walking.
“Told you. There was never a doubt in my mind.”
“It’s because of you and the study materials and working with me. Thank you.”
“Baby, seriously, it was all you. I’m proud of you.”
Giggling, I kissed him again and loved how he kept walking with me while I wrapped around him like a clinging monkey. Abel never seemed to mind, though. He was all about PDA, especially around other males.
“I’m starving, let’s go eat.”
Nodding, I started to lower myself, but he held me longer, and I tightened my arms around his neck. “Abel, you can put me down.”
“I know, but I don’t want to.” He nuzzled my neck.
Right after we left the field, Abel finally lowered me, but his arm wrapped around my shoulders, and I laced my fingers with his as we walked toward the dining hall.
“How was your scrimmage?”
“Good. My team won,” Abel boasted proudly and puffed up his chest.
Shaking my head, I chuckled. “Of course you did.”
Abel tickled my side. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
I skipped away, turned my back in the direction we were walking, and wrapped my arms around his neck while he guided me. “Only that you’re amazing.” I kissed his jaw.
“Damn straight. Glad to know you’re aware.”
Laughing, I moved back to his side, and Abel pulled me in tighter. Abel had me in my seat in the dining hall as soon as we arrived, and I wanted to chuckle again. Since Abel and I had gotten together, the same table always appeared open for us to sit. His influence astounded me, and I figured it’d never stop.
This time, I reviewed the menu and decided on a taco salad. In contrast, Abel went with lobster ravioli because what college student in the cafeteria didn’t order that?
“I skimmed through all your materials and am amazed at how much I’m getting. Next week is going to be a breeze.” I sipped my lemon water and wiggled in my seat with excitement. “Seriously, I can’t thank you enough for your fabulous gift.”
Abel kissed me. “You’re welcome.”
Our food arrived, and we ate silently, enjoying each other’s company when Abel’s phone pinged with a message, and Kailey rang mine.
Abel read his text. “Shit, we have a frat event tonight. I totally forgot.” He grabbed my phone before I did and answered it. Annoyance hit me as he did. I never answered his phone. Why would he answer mine?
“Kailey, get Chan ready. I spaced tonight, and I have some things to finish.”
Kailey spoke loud enough for me to make out a little of what she said about why she called and something about Ella.
“Great. I’ll drop her off at your place after we eat.” He hung up the phone and resumed eating his meal. I stared at him with my brows almost to my hairline. It took him a moment, but he realized I wasn’t eating and glanced at my face. “What?”
Seriously? What? He didn’t know the boundary he’d crossed.
“Abel, you don’t just go answering my phone.”