Page 16 of Bet Me Something
Chapter Four
Iwoke slowly, painfully aware of two things. One: my head felt like it might explode with what I could only guess was the worst hangover in the history of them, and two: I wasn’t alone in the bed. Turning slowly, both to avoid disturbing my bedmate and to keep the nausea at bay, I looked directly into his unbelievably attractive face.
Holy crap. This wasn’t the way I’d dreamed of falling into bed with Colby Singer. My fuzzy, aching brain thought back to last night and tried to piece together what had happened. I remembered singing as well as returning to the hotel. Then I recalled trying not to cry over a toilet bowl. Certainly nothing said sexy more than a drunk, emotional girl. Or even better—as a memory slammed back—a drunk, emotional girl who threw up upon asking for a kiss as my bet reward. Pathetic: party of one right here.
I froze when he moved slightly and then let out a shaky breath, studying the face of the one man who’d kept me from falling for anyone else my entire life. It was a rare opportunity to regard him unobserved.
Gorgeous baby face, with a sexy five o’clock shadow I didn’t see very often. Long lashes on display, covering up what I knew were striking green eyes. Dark hair slightly out of place with a lock falling on his forehead and lips made for kissing. Couldn’t the man at least be snoring to exhibit some sort of defect?
My mind was screaming that I needed to hop out of bed quickly to brush my teeth and wash last night’s makeup from my face. The thought of having him see me in what I could guess was way south of attractive was horrifying, but my throbbing head was making it difficult to conceive of movement at the moment.
Please stay asleep, please stay asleep.I repeated this internally as I silently took inventory of the room. No sunlight coming in through the windows must mean it was still early.
Next, I spent a few moments doing a self-assessment. Damn. The wicked taste in my mouth was reminiscent of horribly expensive tequila shooters, now mixed with morning breath. Lovely. Moving my hands under the sheet, I recognized I was in a soft T-shirt which was way too big. Sniffing it, I realized it smelled like Colby and, considering he was without one, this was most probably his. Pity the sheet covered him up to his shoulders. I ran my hands through my tresses, grateful I wasn’t coming across any foreign matter or large tangles.
My panties were on: check in positive or negative column depending on the view. Sadly, I remembered enough to confirm it hadn’t been that kind of night. Expelling a breath, I thought of the irony that I’d hoped this weekend might provide an opportunity to progress things between us. At this rate, I’d never accomplish such a goal. Hell, I’d even won a bet and still couldn’t get the man to kiss me. It was humiliating. Driving that word home, his eyes flickered open and focused on me. Fuck.My.Life.
“Morning, sunshine,” his rough voice greeted before flashing his dimples.
“Yeah, yeah.” Someday I would perfect the art of a sexy response, today clearly wasn’t going to be that day.
“What? My panty dropping grin isn’t doing it for you this morning?”
“Oh, my God.” I slapped my hands over my face and groaned. This wasn’t happening. I hadn’t shared PDG with him in my drunken state, had I?
When I peeled my hands back, I could see the cocky arrogance splashed across his face.
“I have to say I’m embracing the term.”
“Clearly your ego needed the boost.”
That garnered a smirk. “Considering you normally don’t feed it, I’m going to soak in this moment.”
Yeah, right. Having a crush on him for sixteen years wasn’t enough? “What else did I say last night?”
He chuckled in response. “That bad, huh?”
“Not great,” I mumbled, cringing at the sound of my own voice, which was reminiscent of seasoned chain smoker.
“If you feel anything like you look, then you’re definitely in rough shape.”
I attempted a frosty glare. “Thanks a lot.”
Good Lord, now he had propped himself up on his side, causing the sheet to ride down and showcase his impossibly toned abs. If I wasn’t busy salivating at the image in front of me, I might have thought he was a real asshole for teasing me.
“Don’t worry; despite the matted hair, raccoon eyes, and horrendous smell of your morning breath, you’re still adorable.”
He proceeded to pat me on the head. Like a freaking puppy. Oh, yeah, seduction fail number forty-three. Not that I should bother to count anymore.
“A gentleman wouldn’t mention those things,” I grumbled, annoyed he was enjoying this far too much. Although he might insist on seeing himself as the big brother type, the thoughts I was having were more in line with wanting to follow the start of his happy trail, something that was peeking out from under the sheet.
He laughed. “Good thing no one would ever mistake me for a gentleman. Stay here. I’ll get you some water and Motrin. I’m assuming it’s early yet as my alarm hasn’t gone off.”
I watched him cross the room, wishing there was more light, so I could catch a better glimpse of him in nothing but boxers. Had that beautiful man actually been in bed with me in merely the one garment, and I’d passed out? Loserville was definitely missing their mascot with me being in Vegas.
But then a glimmer of hope sparked. Why had he climbed into bed with me in only his boxers? It wasn’t something either one of my brothers ever would’ve done. I decided to embrace the hot mess I was and find out.
He returned with a large bottle of water and two pills. “Drink,” he urged sitting close to me. Regrettably, he was now dressed in his jeans and a clean T-shirt.