Page 17 of Bet Me Something
“I’m wearing your shirt. How did that happen?” I drank greedily, hoping the water and pills would help me feel better quickly.
Colby seemed uncomfortable, blushing slightly. “After you threw up, I put you into something clean, doing the big brother thing by changing you.”
Leave it to him to try to turn this into a brotherly gesture. Only this time I wouldn’t accept it. I swung my legs out from under the blankets to hang off the side of the bed, well aware I was in nothing but my panties, with his shirt riding up to my waist. I winced with the effort. So, the opportunity wasn’t ideal, however I’d be damned if I was letting him out of this room without finding out if there was some interest piqued. “If I remember correctly, I have you to partially blame for the excess drinking, telling me it would help get me on stage to sing.”
His gaze traveled down my legs briefly before he practically leapt off the bed. “Guilty as charged. I shouldn’t have suggested tequila shooters.”
The thought of it made my mouth water and not in a good way. “I may be off the hard stuff awhile.”
“What do you remember about last night?”
I decided not to come clean with all I could recall. “Some.”
“At what point did it start to get fuzzy?”
“Um, we came back here after I sang, then it gets blurry from there. Did we end up having hot sex, and I missed it?” Yeah, I couldn’t help myself.
His eyes went wide. “Nothing happened between us last night, Kenz. I held your hair when you puked and put you to bed. Your brother Brian would’ve done the same.”
“Really? Because I don’t think he would’ve climbed into bed with me, stripped down to his boxers, to spend the night.”
A vein on the side of Colby’s face throbbed. “Nothing happened,” he reiterated.
I grinned. “Well, I’d be greatly disappointed if something had, and I woke up without being the least bit sore.”
He opened his mouth, then promptly closed it again. Colby at a loss for words. Interesting. He blew out a harsh breath. “Don’t say shit like that to me. And do me a favor: don’t advertise the sleeping arrangements to anyone. You were upset about your day and kept talking, I was trying to ensure you were all right, then we both fell asleep. Got it?”
I nodded, biting my lip to keep from laughing at his absurdly serious expression. His baby face didn’t do serious very effectively. “Yep, Vegas, everything staying here: got it. One question, though.”
His voice sounded wary when he asked, “What?”
“Did you see me naked?”
His face turned a peculiar shade of pink, giving me my answer, which made me blush in return.
“You weren’t completely nude. I had to get a shirt on you, and I didn’t think you’d want to sleep in your bra. Your thong—I mean underwear—stayed put. It was purely clinical.”
“Clinical?” Did he really use such a word? I cringed at how he made it sound.
“Uh-huh, like a nurse would dress a patient. So don’t be embarrassed. I didn’t notice a thing.”
Well, now, this was a new seduction low. “Okay.”
“How about you take a shower while I order up some breakfast?”
I got up unsteadily and shuffled to the bathroom. Holding the doorframe for support, I turned back to see his gaze tracking me, then snapping up to my face. If I wasn’t mistaken, he’d been fully focused on my exposed legs.
“See you soon.” With that, the bedroom door clicked behind him.
Brotherly, my ass. Quite literally in a thong which was barely covered by his T-shirt. Huh. A smile curved my lips at the potential behind his heated glance. But by the time I glimpsed my image in the mirror, all confidence left me. Reflected was a real-life example of a seduction abomination.
* * *
After a shower,breakfast, and with the Motrin kicking in, I was on my way to feeling human again, so I donned my running gear. My hangover lingered, but I had learned the hard way, thanks to my sadistic lacrosse coach, that nothing worked better than to sweat out the alcohol on the morning after drinking. Doing so would also serve as a painful reminder of why I shouldn’t drink to excess.
Colby came in through the front door looking as though he’d just returned from the gym and immediately frowned at my attire, which consisted of a sports bra, shorts, and my tennis shoes. “Where the hell are you off to?”