Page 88 of Bet Me Something
“I thought the internship was full-time?”
“It is, but I could work nights and weekends.”
“I don’t like that idea. Plus, where would you live?”
“A couple of the girls I played lacrosse with will be seniors and are leasing a house. They have an extra room I can rent.”
He shook his head. “Come on. You’d be living in a party house. Believe me, no one out of school wants to live with college students.”
“True. The thing is, although I met Max Tambor, I may not get the fall internship, and even if I did, it might not lead to anything.”
He frowned across the table at me in the little Italian bistro in which we were grabbing pizza. “What happened to all the hope you had for this opportunity?”
I shrugged. “Reality literally hit me in the form of a car that this internship might not be the end-all, be-all. Can I run an idea by you without you freaking out?” A woman with whom I’d volunteered had suggested something on Monday that I’d been kicking around the last couple of days.
“I won’t freak out, but it doesn’t mean I’ll agree with you. What is it?”
I took a deep breath. “I haven’t decided if this is what I want to do or not, but a lady I met at the hospital told me about these programs around the world run by this organization which places people in volunteer positions. She did it a couple of years ago. You can sign up for anything from building a school to teaching English or music—which is what I’m interested in.”
He looked momentarily taken off guard, and then thoughtful. The thing I admired most about my brother was his ability to look at something from all angles and ask good questions.
“What country, how long, and have you researched the organization?”
“The where part is up to me, however I could choose a place such as Bali in Indonesia, for example. I can do as little as two weeks, but I can do other increments or even extend if it’s going well. The volunteers stay and work together.”
“What’s prompting this idea?”
I was earnest in my reply. “Volunteering at the hospital with those kids makes me feel joy like I’ve never experienced before. It’s made me become more appreciative for everyone and everything that’s positive in my life. And when I’m around them, I have no problem singing.”
His face showed his surprise as he knew I battled stage fright.
“I forget my nerves, thinking instead of how much they love the music, and then before I realize it, I’m enjoying it too. I’d forgotten how much I love singing. No pressure, no expectation, purely the ability to transport them somewhere else for a little while.”
He studied me for the longest time. “Send me the organization’s website and let me do some research. Obviously, you’re old enough to make your own decision, but I’d feel better about it if Mark could run a background check on them first. I’ll support you if you decide this is what you want, but I’d like to ensure it’s safe first.”
I nodded, appreciating he’d want to confirm that it was. “Thank you. So, are you still flying home tomorrow after your meetings?”
“Up to you. Colby said he’s working late for the next couple nights at the office, so I could stay longer if you want the company.”
I’d heard from Colby a few times over the last two days through text messages telling me he was thinking of me or that he missed me, but Brian made it sound as if Colby was in LA. “He’s back?”
“Yeah, and from what Josh said on the phone, Colby’s in a pisser of a mood. They had a disagreement and, in little brother fashion, he’s dead set on proving his older brother wrong.”
If I hadn’t been taken off guard with the knowledge that Colby was here in Los Angeles and hadn’t called me, I might have bristled at Brian’s comment on his behalf.
Finally snapping out of my initial shock over Colby being back in town without letting me know, I had to ask, “What was the disagreement between Josh and Colby about?”
“Business. Colby wants to grow the Production Company into indie films and documentaries while Josh prefers for him to stick with what’s profitable.”
“Wouldn’t Josh trust his brother’s done his due diligence? Plus, isn’t it Colby’s company? I would think with all of the—”
“Whoa, there. Why are you annoyed with me?”
Oh, shit, my questions had been asked in complete irritation. I took a deep breath. “Obviously, I’m a little oversensitive when it comes to family members not supporting their loved ones lately. Sometimes I don’t think Josh realizes how hard his brother works.”
Brian sighed. “For the record, I fully support you.”
“I know, I obviously didn’t mean you. Sorry.”