Page 89 of Bet Me Something
He chuckled. “No problem. Anyhow you don’t know both sides when it comes to Josh and Colby. Trust me when I say there’s a history there when it comes to trust issues and Josh having to step in.”
“That sounds ominous, but I don’t need any details.” And I meant it. Because if there was a story to be told, I’d rather hear it from Colby.
“I shouldn’t have brought it up. Anyhow, I can stay through the end of the week if you want.”
I waved him off. “Thanks, but I’m sure you miss Sasha and I’m capable on my own these days although Colby insists on a car service for my appointments. Hopefully I’ll receive the all clear for driving by next week.”
“Good. Now, what are you going to do about Mom?”
“Aside from disappointing her in six weeks’ time by coming home for the baptism with no intention of staying out there and subsequently being cut off, nothing.”
“I’m not sure what’s going on with her lately as I never got a vibe until recently that she was freaking out over you staying in LA.”
“Yeah, it’s like she’s in panic mode. I did feel terrible when she asked why I hadn’t called her after the accident, though.”
“Me, too. Maybe it wasn’t the right decision, but she has to understand why you didn’t want to tell her. Anyhow, I think you should call your dad in the meantime. Maybe he can shed some light on why she’s acting crazier than normal. Plus, I don’t believe he would agree to cutting off your trust fund. He may be sympathetic.”
“And if he isn’t?” I might not be able to face my fears yet, but I was getting better at vocalizing them.
His face softened. “Then you tell them both to go to hell, and so will I.”
My brother always knew the right thing to say.
* * *
By the timeeight o’clock that evening rolled around, I was restless in the house all by myself. After dialing Colby’s direct line at his office, I smiled when he answered.
“I meant to call you.”
“Uh-huh. Your boyfriend survival manual should’ve told you not to answer the office phone, letting me know exactly where you are.”
He chuckled. “Are you giving me tips on how to successfully avoid my girlfriend?”
Okay, hearing him call me his girlfriend made me want to squeal like an annoying teenager who’d never had one. I rolled my eyes at myself. “Nah, I rather enjoy that you suck at this part. You doing okay?”
“Ah, the family grapevine must be prompting that question. I take it Brian gave you the rundown.”
“Only that you and Josh had a disagreement, but when you’re ready, I’d rather hear you tell me about it. In the meantime, I’ll let you get back to work as I just wanted to check that you were doing all right.”
“Is this one of those moments where you say that, but you’ll be pissed if I don’t come home right now?”
“No, turns out I’m terrible at the quintessential annoying girlfriend stuff. You’d tell me if there was anything I could do to help, though, right?”
“You already have. ‘Night, Kenz.”
* * *
Colby’swarm body curled into mine sometime later in the middle of the night. His arms went around me from the back as he inhaled my scent.
“I fucking missed you more than what’s healthy,” he whispered.
“Says who?”
“No one who’s ever been with you, that’s for sure.”
His words made my heart flutter. “I missed you, too.” I sucked in a breath when his hands skimmed down over my hips and stomach as if he needed to feel every inch of me.