Page 130 of Beautiful Ruin
And tell Blake #sorry #notsorry your PA will not be returning to work, as he was keeping her for fucking ever.
To reassure her that she would never be alone. That he was there for her. Always.
But he couldn’t.
He saw Leilani pulling away from him whenever a moment sparked between them. She had strong barriers, unlike him.
God, he’d been a fool to think he could sleep with her and not feel more. He should’ve stuck to his game plan and, if he’d wanted to fuck her again, told her to come to Sailors.
Yet he couldn’t regret the time they’d spent together so far this weekend. They had one more day and selfishly, he was going to take it.
Leilani lay with her back to him in their bed. They’d made love slowly last night after the bonfire and while she’d put up those walls when her orgasm struck, Jacob had gripped her face and said look at me Lani.
Her glistening eyes had told him all he needed to know as her body shuddered around his cock.
She had feelings for him; he was sure of it.
Well, pretty sure.
Except what did he do with that information? Leilani could never accept his club life, nor did she want to be a part of it. Jacob wasn’t even sure he could be in a monogamous relationship.
He might’ve daydreamed about living with her here in the Hamptons, but doing it was a whole other fucking thing. All his fears and insecurities would destroy them.
He knew that. Been there and got the damn t-shirt.
Leilani began to stir. Jacob rolled over and ran his hand over her hip, kissing her shoulder.
So this was it.
This was their last day together, and he wasn’t happy about it.
She rolled over to face him and both of their stupid grins were missing today.
“Morning,” Jacob said.
“Hey.” Her lashes fluttered as she cleared her throat. “Did you sleep?”
He nodded, pulling her closer. When her eyes dipped, he slid his hand up her neck and into her hair.
Fuck this. He couldn’t let her go.
He wouldn’t.
“I want to keep seeing you when we get back to Philadelphia,” he said suddenly.
“No, you don’t,” she replied, with a small shake of her head.
“I don’t or you don’t?” Jacob asked, his heart starting to ache.
“Jake.” Leilani sighed. “I’m not part of your world. Not this one with your family and not...part of Sailors. I like you. A lot. Too much. But no.”
No, she didn’t want him.
Just like Jenny.