Page 131 of Beautiful Ruin
“So you don’t want to see me again. That would’ve been a faster way to say it. No need to bullshit me.”
“I’m not,” she blanched.
“I heard you loud and clear, princess.” He smiled coldly and kissed her forehead, then climbed out of bed. “I’ll get the chopper out here, so get dressed and packed, and by the time we’ve had breakfast, we can head back to Philly.”
“Jacob, wait.” Leilani sat up, her gorgeous bare breasts calling to him.
He swallowed, his gaze hovering on them and then drifting up to her face.
“We fucked. You fulfilled your part of the deal and now I’m ready to go home. No harm done,” Jacob said. “I’ll let you shower first.”
Then he grabbed his phone and walked out of the room.
A MILLION QUESTIONS later by the entire family about why they were leaving early, and they were climbing onto the chopper and getting ready to lift off.
It was like they were at the fucking White House with everyone standing out on the lawn.
Daniel had his arm around Harper’s lower back as she waved. Addison had hers wrapped around Hunter, clearly thrilled with the new sparkly ring on her finger.
Logan leaned against one of the white poles, sipping his coffee and watching him while Emma snuggled beside him.
Fletcher and Olivia were holding back the girls, little Baxter inside having a late morning nap.
Blake was standing with Amelia and Aidan, saying something which looked suspiciously like they were talking about him and Leilani.
Bella was texting on her phone.
He glanced to his left and Leilani was doing the same thing.
Knox, who was upstairs taking a shower, had shaken his hand earlier and given Jacob an open invitation to call whenever he wanted.
As they lifted into the air, he spotted Jackson and Kristen on the beach returning from their morning walk. He waved out at them.
His family.
Jacob knew how fucking lucky he was to have all of them. Their banter, their love, and their support were second to none. Even Daniel, Hunter, and Fletcher, who’d only recently come back into their lives.
Family didn’t have to be blood related, but he’d been blessed with a whole bunch who would always love him.
Now, it was time to go home and work out what kind of relationship he wanted with the man he shared DNA with.
His father.
“Until next time,” Jacob said quietly as the Dufort family got smaller and smaller below them. Then he sat back and tightened the seat belt and put on his headpiece.
Leilani put away her phone and sent him a nervous smile.
“You okay princess?” He wasn’t an asshole by nature but had spent the last hour feeling like one.
She nodded and then turned to look out the window.
Fuck I don’t want to say goodbye.
So he took her hand and tightened his fingers around them, but she never turned back.