Page 26 of Never Been Tamed
"Yes, Nana. I was just calling because?—"
"You're coming to the Hamptons this summer? Oh, I'm so excited. I can't, well, wait to tell Maisy."
"No, Nana. That's not what I'm calling about, but please give Maisy my love."
"Well, Maisy already knows that you love her," Nana says, and I try not to groan. Maisy has been her best friend since they were kids, and Maisy thinks herself to be somewhat of a clairvoyant, even though none of her predictions have ever come to pass.
"So Nana, I was calling because?—"
"You were calling to see what's gotten into your father," she says, and I pause.
"Um, how did you…" I trail off in question. "Maisy told you I was going to call?" I say finally, and she giggles like a young schoolgirl.
"No, of course not. I just know your father's been acting very weird ever since?—"
"Ever since what?" I say quickly.
"Ever since the stroke."
"What?" I say. "What stroke?"
"Oh, I forgot. You weren't told."
"Nana, what's going on? Is Dad okay? Is?—"
"He's fine, he's fine. It didn't even last very long. The doctor said he was very lucky. Your mom caught it right away. She took him to the hospital, and they were able to treat it before any damage, so he's fine. But I guess your father had a slight brush with death, and now he just wants to live a better life."
"Why did no one tell me?"
"Because he didn't want you to know, Jackson."
"But why didn't he want me to know? I thought he would've been on the phone with me first thing, telling me that I need to get my ass out of Rosser International and back to the family company because he's on death's door and I'm going to need to take over one day and?—"
"That's exactly why he didn't tell you," she says softly.
"What do you mean, Nana?"
"He feels like he's put too much pressure on you and that's why you've been so distant."
"Nana, you know the reason I've been distant with Dad is because he is distant himself."
"Well, he's changing and spending the summer in the Hamptons with us."
"Really?" I say. "But what about work?"
"He will take off a couple of weeks."
"Wow. Dad's taking off for a couple of weeks? He doesn't even like to take off the weekends," I say softly.
"I know, dear, but he's a changed man, and your mother is so grateful. And I thought this was you calling to tell me that you, too, would be here this summer with your wonderful wife.”
"What wife, Nana? What are you talking about?"
"Oh, I hoped that your father wasn't the only one keeping secrets," she says softly. "I would love some grandchildren."
There's a long silence on the phone. I'm not even going to answer that. I love my nana, so I'm not going to say anything rude, but I'm not going to answer that.
"But alas, you don't want to see me happy, do you, Jackson?"