Page 133 of Timelessly Ours
The only thing giving me some peace now is the restraining order I have on my ex-wife and the guarantee I set in place that she’ll never utter another word about Nicole Kane again.
Or she’ll lose her daughter.
And I won’t feel a tinge of regret.
“Daddy, when is Nicole coming back?” Rory asks as I tie up her hair.
“I don’t know, Squigs, but we need to head down soon. I’m going to take you to school this morning and then head to work.”
“Can Nicky pick me up?”
I sigh. “Angel will pick you up and bring you to the arena later, okay?”
A look of sadness falls on my little girl’s face. And I know what she’s thinking. That Nicole isn’t coming back.
I drop her backpack and bend on one knee, scooting her over my other one. “Sorry baby. Daddy’s had a lot going on this week at work. But I promise you’ll see her soon, okay?”
She nods and reaches up to fix her hair. That’s when I notice a familiar beaded bracelet on her wrist. One I feel like I’ve seen before.
“What’s this?”
“She left it for me on my lamp table with a piece of paper.” She reaches over and hands it to me.
There was a note from her this whole time? My heart sinks as I read it out loud.
I should have been the one to make you feel safe, Nicky. Not a piece of jewelry.
And now she’s left with neither.
“How about…we make one that looks just like it for her? So she always feels safe too?”
Rory nods vigorously. “Can we go to the craft store together later? I need a few things.”
I laugh. “I’m sure you do.”
After a quick huddle with the team in the locker room before tonight’s game, I ask Nick to stay while the team warms up on the ice.
He’s in full gear and I envy him right now. I wish I could get on the ice, move like I’m unstoppable, get into a fight, serve my time, and then do it all again.
I drag a hand over my face and pull the pills out of my pocket. “Her anxiety meds. You just have to—”
“Yeah, I know the drill, thanks.” He takes them from me and moves to his locker.
“Can you tell me if she’s alright? Is she feeling better?”
He nods into space. His jaw works like there’s something he needs to say but he’s holding back. “Yeah. She’ll be fine.”
My chest aches and I lose an internal argument. “Do you know if she…do you know what it was that made her sick?”
He nods. “Yep.” He meets my eyes finally and asks, “Can I go now?”
“Yeah. Go get ‘em,” I say dryly.
I try my luck with another text.
Royce: Coming to the game tonight? Rory misses you.
It’s not until after first period that I find a message on my phone.