Page 41 of Never Finished
“Explain what Mama? That you didn’t want a lesbian for a daughter? Maybe I wasn’t ready to hear you say the words,” Sofia said, and even though she sounded tough, tears welled up in her eyes.
“Sofia,” our mother breathed in shock as she sank back into her chair. “I’ve always wanted you, Meja, no matter who you love, as long as they make you happy. Don’t you know that?” she asked, her voice cracking. “My memory may be fading, but I remember that day perfectly. Nothing I said had anything to do with you preferring to date women and everything to do with the woman that you brought to my house.”
Sofia’s brow furrowed. “What?”
Mama let out an exasperated sigh. “You kept going on and on about this woman, but I could tell you weren’t happy. You were changing all these things about yourself just to make her happy. Then when I finally got to meet her, she showed up late for dinner, complained about the food and talked over people. My little girl deserves someone who treats her like the queen she is and that trash was not worth your time!”
Mama’s pronouncement was followed by a long, strained silence until Maria offered, “Um Sof, not to pile on but that girl was totally trash.”
I couldn’t help it. The tone of Maria’s voice made me choke back a laugh and before I knew it, everyone at the table was laughing, including Mama and Sofia.
Once we caught our breaths, Maria muttered, “I cannot believe all of this was a simple misunderstanding. Emma, you must think we’re nuts.”
Emma smiled as all eyes turned to her. “No, not at all. It’s not like my family doesn't have its fair share of crazy.”
Mama observed Emma, then spoke. “Emma with the emerald eyes.”
Emma’s eyes widened, but Mama continued, “I remember you now. Jaime would come home with stars in his eyes, talking about his ‘Emma with the emerald eyes.’”
Emma’s gaze shot to mine and I could feel my face burning. It didn’t help that Maria and Sofia were chiming in with “oooh Emma with emerald eyes, oooh my fair Emma.”
Mama’s expression turned stern. “You two quit teasing your brother. Emma, tell me,” she said, facing Emma now and the fingers that had been grasping my thigh were now digging into me, “Is your father as bullheaded and unreasonable as he was before?”
“Mama,” Maria hissed, but Emma was more than gracious.
She smiled slowly and I could tell she was trying to come up with a diplomatic answer, but after a moment she let out a long breath before laughing and admitting, “To be honest, ma’am, no, not really.”
Her answer surprised me. She was always so careful in how she talked about her family, but that was probably the most honest thing I’d ever heard her say regarding her father.
Mama nodded in approval at her honest response. “I see. I can’t say I’m too surprised. Some old goats refuse to evolve. As long as he’s not still pulling your strings, you’ll be good enough for my boy.”
“Mom,” I threatened.
Mama looked at me with wide eyes. “What? The Emma I remember was not a stupid girl. She knows I’m speaking the truth.”
I opened my mouth to speak but Emma cut in, “She’s right, Jaime. I messed up back then. He was pulling all the strings, but,” she continued, straightening in her chair, “I’m my own woman now, making my own choices.”
“Amen to that. Who needs a man making choices for you?” Sofia said, raising her glass.
Mama and Maria laughed, raising their glasses as well, and I laughed in delight to see Emma being embraced by my family, even as I wondered if what she said was true. Was she really no longer controlled by her father’s wishes? If so, then we might actually have a shot at making this work.
God, please…
After dinner, Emma was hugged within an inch of her life by the women in my family and told to come back soon.
It warmed my heart, especially knowing my mother's reservations, but Emma was so charming, none of them stood a chance against her. I was also relieved Sofia and my mother reconciled. It had been a good evening—one I didn’t want to end just yet.
After Emma and I climbed into my truck to head back to her hotel, I asked, "Are you up for a detour, Miss Carter?"
She smiled, and even in the dark of the truck cab, I could see the excitement in her eyes. "I'm always up for a detour with you."
Giddiness raced up my spine as we went in the opposite direction of the resort, reaching the outskirts of town. As we approached our destination, Emma’s eyes lit up when she recognized where we were. I turned off the main road onto a dark driveway that wove through the trees until we hit a clearing and found the remnants of an old drive-in theater where we used to come as kids.
When I put the truck in park and turned off the engine, I looked over to find her biting her lip excitedly.
"I've been waiting to kiss you all night," I told her, leaning towards her across the bench seat as she lunged at me, our mouths meeting enthusiastically.